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2023, Nov. 14 Indian Point Rally

Monday, 11/20 from 4-5 pm: How to Keep Radioactive Waste Out of Our Air and Water. Holtec delays decommissioning calendar.

Food and Water Watch along with other groups is sponsoring a forum on keeping Indian Point’s radioactive waste out of our air and water. This is important! Please forward to interested others and especially to your elected officials. Monday, November 20, 4 PM to 5 PM. About this event In August, Governor Hochul signed...

Holtec and tritiated water disposal

“Holtec said it is weighing what to do with the wastewater at Indian Point, which closed in 2021. It said it has not ruled out legal action against either or both states. A company representative, Patrick O’Brien, said the decommissioning schedule took years to develop and that “with systems and buildings being interconnected, any changes”...

Program for Small Modular Reactors cancelled “The development is a major blow to U.S. nuclear ambitions. NuScale is one of several companies working to build and commercialize SMRs. Like other companies, NuScale was targeting the end of the decade for deployment.” NuScale was the only company to have passed most NRC hurdles to start construction.  The cost per kilowatt hour...

NuScale has no legitimate customers for its SMR’s

Really good news for us and basically what we have been saying all along.  What a waste of time and money. Marilyn “The decision to terminate the project underscores the hurdles the industry faces to place the first so-called small modular reactor into commercial service in the country. NuScale is part of a wave of...

Annual Update from the NYS Decommissioning

Filed today:  ANNUAL UPDATE November 6, 2023 Message from Tom Congdon, Chair of Task Force On behalf of the Indian Point Closure Task Force, and in accordance with Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2017, I hereby issue this Annual Update that documents significant progress being made to plan a smooth transition to a future...

Low level radioactive waste storage

The waste storage building complex is owned 100% by the Dutch government.   Every 20 years the building will be painted a lighter colour, until in one hundred years it is white. This reflects the fact that heat and radiation produced by the waste stored inside will gradually decrease. A very rational and business like approach. ...

No More Pills, Test Sirens or Escape Routes

By Brian PJ Cronin The days of test sirens and iodide pills are over. On Oct. 24, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced that it had approved a request by Holtec, the company decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant near Peekskill, to abandon the emergency response plan created when the plant was operational. The approval comes...

DOB Annual Update – DRAFT

The updates that follow summarize the important work conducted by the Task Force during the last year and outline the direction of the Task Force for the year to come.  ANNUAL UPDATE – DRAFT  September 22, 2023  Contents  Introduction  Mitigating the Property Tax Reduction Mitigation Fund Community Benefit Fund  Employment Planned Activity Energy Reliability Decommissioning...

Emergency Prepardness Plan

These exemptions are consistent with NRC actions at other commercial nuclear power plants undergoing decommissioning. US / Regulator Approves Revision To Indian Point Nuclear Station Emergency Preparedness Plan By David Dalton1 November 2023 Three-unit facility in New York state being decommissioned The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a request by Holtec Decommissioning International (HDI) to...

Beware the nuclear industry bearing gifts

By David Kraft Look out for the Trojan Horse carrying small modular nuclear reactors. Most people are familiar with the story of the Trojan Horse – the “gift” that disguised destruction, at least for Troy. When legislators reconvene in the fall veto session, they will be confronted with a legislative Trojan Horse called SB76 – a pro-nuclear power...

Indian Point’s decommissioning moves forward

ALBANY, NY — The New York State Department of Public Service and the Indian Point Closure Task Force announced that the owner and operator of the Indian Point nuclear power plant in the Village of Buchanan, Westchester County, has transferred all spent nuclear fuel to dry cask storage. Dry cask storage, according to a statement,...