Indian Point: Nowhere To Run
A provocative program outlining the compelling reasons to shut down and decommision the Indian Point Nuclear power plants which operate within 35 miles of New York City. Silver Medal Winner – 2003 Houston International Film Festival To view more about this documentary, click the link below: http://www.documentaryworld.com/IndianPoint.html To view the documentary, watch the video below,...
“Putnam exec proposes $113 M budget” by Cara Matthews
“Entergy Nuclear Northeast, owners of the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Buchanan, agreed to give Putnam $500,000 to defray the cost of the county’s $11.8 million Emergency Operations and Training Facility that is being built in Carmel. CARMEL — Putnam County Executive Robert Bondi yesterday proposed an $113.1 million 2004 budget that would increase...