“Nuclear Official Says Bush Erred On Details of Threat to Reactors” by Matthew L. Wald
“President Bush was probably wrong when he asserted in his 2002 State of the Union address that American forces routing guerrillas of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan had found designs for nuclear power plants, one of the three members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said. The commissioner, Edward McGaffigan Jr., who was appointed to the...
“White House Backs Away From Bush ’02 Nuclear-Terror Warning” by Robert Block and Greg Hitt
“WASHINGTON — The White House stepped back from a high-profile assertion by President Bush, in his January 2002 State of the Union Address, that U.S. forces had uncovered evidence of a potential attack against an American nuclear facility. In the speech, Mr. Bush warned of a terrorist threat to the nation, saying that the U.S....
“A win for the fish?” an Editorial by the Journal News
“A new federal appeals court decision regarding the environmental health of the Hudson River is as murky as the waterway itself. The state Department of Environmental Conservation sees favor in the decision. The embattled owners of the Indian Point nuclear power plants find vindication in it. The environmental group Riverkeeper puts the ruling in the...
“Ruling protects Hudson fish” by Roger Witherspoon
“A federal rule allowing new power plants to kill fish while using river water in their cooling systems, as long as they also have restoration programs, was struck down yesterday by the U.S. Court of Appeals as a violation of the Clean Water Act. The three-judge panel in Albany ruled that the law requires power...
“Cheating On Security” by Notra Trulock
“Last November, Vanity Fair magazine ran an expos? on security vulnerabilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory and other Energy Department facilities around the nation. Based on disclosures by Energy whistleblowers, the article charged that mock “terrorists” have repeatedly defeated security forces during exercises of the lab’s security system. The whistleblowers said that the “terrorists” penetrated...