“Residents scrutinize emergency preparations” by Martin B. Cassidy
“Communications, vaccinations and preparedness topped the list of residents’ concerns at a meeting last night to outline the town’s emergency response plans. Speaking at a forum convened at Town Hall by the League of Women Voters of Greenwich, First Selectman Jim Lash and a panel of safety and health officials and representatives of Greenwich Hospital...
“Debate over future of Indian Point nuclear plants won’t end overnight” by Rita J. King
“This is the final article in a series on the nuclear industry While a growing cacophony clamors for the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Buchanan, many who work at the facility or live in the communities supported by it are just as fervent about keeping the source of their economic security...
“‘Chernobyl-on-the-Hudson’: New reports detail terrorist targets” by Tony Attrino, John Adamski, Michael McDonnell and Walter Elliott
“There are 15,000 such facilities in the United States, including an estimated 111 that, if attacked, could each put a million or more people at risk of death or injury,” writes environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his new book, “Crimes Against Nature.” The Kuehne plant has long been considered a top target for...
“Secrecy on security at nuclear plants continues to be scrutinized” by Rita J. King
“The same way the food chain creates an impetus for evolution, terrorism and security each force the other entity to get stronger and smarter in order to succeed. In this interplay of offense and defense, the nuclear industry has found itself at the center of a debate about how much security is really enough. After...
“Power Increase Is Approved for Indian Pt.” by Kirk Semple
“WHITE PLAINS, Oct. 29 – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted permission to the owners of the Indian Point nuclear power complex to increase output at one of its reactors by 3.3 percent. The agency, which approved the increase in capacity, or “uprate,” on Thursday, based its decision on a determination that the plant could...