
Yearly archive 2004

“A No-Flight Zone for Indian Point?” by Berl Brechner

“To the Editor: While the issues of the Indian Point nuclear power plant raised by Rory Kennedy (“A Target on the Hudson,” Op-Ed, Sept. 5) certainly warrant close review, and the impact on our region of virtually any mishap there would be one of great harm, the first suggestion she makes – a no-flight zone...

“Suburban reality check” an Editorial by the Journal News

“Unfortunately, not all the silly stuff we read is on the comics pages. In the clumsy aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, some county government officials recently waxed confident about evacuation plans for these northern suburbs. Almost made us spill our coffee. In quick succession, some heavy doses of reality intervened, enough to spur this thought: Don’t...

“Indian Point Emergency Planning” by Gary Shaw

“To the Editor: In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the inadequacies and poor judgments of FEMA under Michael Brown became fatally obvious.  Because of that pitiful performance, Governor Blanco of Louisiana hired James Lee Witt to aid the state’s recovery efforts.  Mr. Witt was the director of FEMA for eight years, during which time FEMA...

“Officials Can’t Say Nukes Safe From Terror”

“WASHINGTON (AP) — Three years after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission cannot independently verify that every nuclear power plant is taking required safeguards to protect against a terrorist threat, congressional investigators said Tuesday. Senior NRC officials strongly challenged that assessment and said the agency, through onsite inspectors and other activities, is aggressively...

“Whistling past the graveyard on Indian Point’s security” by Phil Riesman

“Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, the corporate officials of Entergy Northeast and their political proxies have insisted that Indian Point was more than adequately prepared to thwart a terrorist attack. For three years and a day, they have pounded into our heads a public relations mantra that the aging power plants are “safe, secure and...

“Examining risk of Indian Point” by Stephen Kiehl

“The terrorists who hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 on Sept. 11, 2001, used the Hudson River as a navigational point to find New York . They flew over fields and farmland and past the Indian Point nuclear power plant, 35 miles north of midtown Manhattan , on their journey to the World Trade Center ....

“Group Says Terror Attack on Indian Point Would Be Apocalyptic” By Matthew L. Wald

“WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 – A group campaigning to shut the Indian Point nuclear plant is firing new broadsides against the reactors, releasing a report on Wednesday that asserts that a successful terrorist attack could cause apocalyptic damage. The group, Riverkeeper, is also appearing in a documentary to be broadcast on HBO on Thursday that makes...

“Filmmakers Examining the ‘What Ifs’ of Nuclear Power” by Nancy Ramsey

“Cesium-137 is not your usual topic for a Midtown Manhattan lunch. But if you sit down with Maryann De Leo and Rory Kennedy, who have completed documentaries on the effects on children of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 (Ms. De Leo) and the Indian Point power plant in Buchanan, N.Y. (Ms. Kennedy), it is...

“A Target on the Hudson” by Rory Kennedy

“THE Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan is just 35 miles from Times Square. More than 20 million people live within 50 miles of Indian Point, which means that it is surrounded by a more densely populated area than any other nuclear plant in the country.You can rent a helicopter and fly over Indian...

” Horror on the Hudson: A film reveals Indian Point nuclear plant is a disaster waiting to happen”

“While Disneyland, Walt Disney World and the Super Bowl are all official no-fly zones in the terror age, the Indian Point nuclear power plant – 35 miles north of midtown Manhattan in Buchanan, N.Y. – is not. This despite the fact that hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 soared over Indian Point on 9/11 before crashing...

“Nuclear power still a deadly proposition” by Helen Caldicott

“WHILE VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney is actively promoting nuclear power as a significant plank in his energy plan, he claims that nuclear power is “a safe, clean and very plentiful energy source.” The Nuclear Energy Institute, the policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industries, is currently running an energetic campaign for the revivification...

“Bush Lets Guard Down on Nuclear Plants”

“George Bush’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission is failing miserably in ensuring that the nation’s nuclear plants are safe from terrorist attacks. Two recent actions by the NRC illustrate the problem. First, the NRC has let the nuclear energy lobby itself hire the contractor to test the preparedness of the plants. And the contractor the lobby has...