
Monthly archive February, 2005

“Riverkeeper applauds Ulster Legislature’s stance opposing Indian Point”

“Riverkeeper, the organization that is opposed to the continued operation of the Indian Point nuclear power plants, yesterday praised the Ulster County Legislature’s vote last week opposing the renewal of the plants’ license. Riverkeeper Executive Director Alex Matthiessen told he expects more communities to sign onto the opposition. “I predict that when the re-licensing...

“Nuclear power can’t be considered ‘safe'” by Robert A. Creamer, Hartsdale

“In response to the Feb. 9 letter by John J. Kelly: As long as the possibility of a major radiation leak exists at the Indian Point nuclear power plants, or any nuclear power plant for that matter, nuclear power is not a viable solution. There does not have to be a natural disaster or even...

“Ulster County lawmakers vote to oppose Indian Point”

“An effort to have the Ulster County Legislature go on record opposed to the Indian Point nuclear power plants made if through last night, despite the opposition by its chairman. Democrat Susan Zimet garnered support from her fellow party members as well as a handful of Republicans to pass the memorializing resolution. “The Ulster County...

“No Nukes! from Tom Paine” by Patrick C. Doherty

“While politicians are scrambling to address Iraq and Social Security, the nuclear power industry and the Bush administration are charging ahead with a dangerous plan. Patrick Doherty looks at the false promises of nuclear energy and the massive economic opportunity we’ll lose if Bush has his way. Patrick C. Doherty is senior editor at

“RE: Study May Hold Key to Indian PT Fate”

“While Westchester County residents await the consultant’s report on whether the Indian Point nuclear reactors can be closed and replaced with a plant fueled by an alternative energy source, Entergy has already begun its public relations campaign to discredit the report. A few weeks ago, I participated in a telephone survey during which the pollster...

“Indian Point nuclear plant slows down following incidents”

“Gannett News Service BUCHANAN, Westchester County — The Indian Point 2 nuclear power plant was operating at 78 percent capacity Thursday because of a faulty electrical component in the system used to slow or stop the nuclear reaction process. One of the reactor’s control rods malfunctioned twice in less than 24 hours. The control rods...

“Spano urges federal check of Indian Point sirens” by Dwight R. Worley

“Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano yesterday urged federal regulators to determine whether sirens set up to signal an emergency at the Indian Point nuclear-power plants are working properly. In a letter to Samuel Collins, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s new regional administrator, Spano said that during a Dec. 15 test of the siren system —...

“Study may hold key to Indian Point fate” by Michael Risinit

“Westchester is still waiting for a consultant’s report on whether the Indian Point nuclear reactors can be closed and replaced with a plant fueled by an alternative energy source. Concerned about the safety of having a nuclear facility in a densely populated area, County Executive Andrew Spano first advocated taking over Indian Point in 2002....

“Number of workers decline at Indian Point” by Dan Shapley

“BUCHANAN, Westchester County — The permanent work force at the Indian Point nuclear power plants here, has declined from 1,500 to 1,300 since Entergy bought the plants in 2000 and 2001. No workers were laid-off, but incentives were provided for early retirement and buy-outs over the last couple of years, Entergy spokesman James Steets said....

“RIVERKEEPER RESPONDS TO REPORT ON JOB LOSSES AT INDIAN POINT: Entergy’s Bottom Line More Important than Indian Point Workforce”

”FROM: RIVERKEEPER Contact: Rubenstein Communications, Inc. – Public Relations Maya Israel (212) 843-8003 cell: (917) 445-0183 For Immediate Release RIVERKEEPER RESPONDS TO REPORT ON JOB LOSSES AT INDIAN POINT: Entergy’s Bottom Line More Important than Indian Point Workforce Garrison, NY – Today, the environmental group Riverkeeper denounces any claims by Entergy asserting that the continued...

“With Indian Point, region has its own Vesuvius” by Phil Reisman

“I don’t know, maybe I’m missing something. But haven’t the Indian Point nuclear power plants mysteriously faded from the public debate about potential targets for terrorists? Think back to, well, not that long ago. It seems like only yesterday that the county was handing out potassium iodide pills as an antidote to cancer-causing radiation. A...