“An effort to have the Ulster County Legislature go on record opposed to the Indian Point nuclear power plants made if through last night, despite the opposition by its chairman.

Democrat Susan Zimet garnered support from her fellow party members as well as a handful of Republicans to pass the memorializing resolution. “The Ulster County Legislature took positive action last night that hopefully will be another nail in the coffin of Indian Point,” she said.

The resolution calls for among other things, urging the NRC to reject the relicensing of Indian Point, developing another form of safe energy to replace the nuclear generated power, and to secure the spent fuel rods on –site in a safe manner away from potential terrorists.

Legislature Chairman Richard Gerentine wanted more time to allow a spokesman from Entergy, owner of Indian Point, the opportunity to present their side of the picture. “I thought it was very premature; we didn’t have ample time to do due diligence,” he said. Others wanted time to speak, he said, “but then again, I’m only one legislator out of 33.”

A Westchester County lawmaker who opposes Indian Point addressed a committee of the Ulster County Legislature last week and Gerentine wanted Entergy to have equal time before any action was taken locally.”

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