
Monthly archive April, 2005

“Indian Point foe dismisses Bush bid” by Michael Risinit

“A major critic of the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Buchanan yesterday shrugged off President Bush’s proposal encouraging the construction of new nuclear plants. “I don’t see how one is related to the other,” said Alex Matthiessen, executive director of the environmental group Riverkeeper. “Our goal is not to stop nuclear power plants. Our...

“Nuclear Power is the Problem, Not the Solution” by Helen Caldicott

“THERE is a huge propaganda push by the nuclear industry to justify Nuclear power as a panacea for the reduction of global-warming gases. In fact Leslie Kemeny on these pages two weeks ago (HES, March 30) suggested that courses on nuclear science and engineering be included in tertiary level institutions in Australia.  I agree. But...

“Safeguarding nukes”

“The National Academy of Sciences’ new report on nuclear power plant safety is further proof that nothing can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong. Since 9/11, outside experts and critics of Indian Point have frequently observed that the plants in Buchanan are vulnerable to airplane attacks, only to be told, in as many...

“Indian Point disaster is not impossible” by Stephen Filler, Irvington

“The kickoff of the efforts to stop the relicensing of the Indian Point nuclear plants held on March 29, hosted by Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner at Greenburgh Town Hall, was a huge success. The room was packed to capacity and Robert Kennedy Jr. and Alex Mathiesson, Riverkeeper’s executive director, provided inspirational and informational discussion...

“Nuke waste vulnerable to terrorism, scientists find” by Michael Risinit

“Report highlights Several highlights of the National Academy of Sciences’ report on the safety and security of nuclear waste stored at nuclear-power plants • Spent-fuel pools are necessary at all operating nuclear power plants to store recently discharged fuel. • The committee judges that successful terrorist attacks on spent-fuel pools, though difficult, are possible. •...

“NRC may demand backup power for Indian Point sirens” by Michael Risinit

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will decide in about a month whether to consider requiring nuclear power companies, including Indian Point’s owner, Entergy, to install backup power systems for their emergency notification systems. The federal agency held a nationwide conference call yesterday with environmental activists and others who worried that a power outage could hamper nuclear...

“The Nuclear Option”

“Time will tell, to use an old editorial dodge, whether Josh Rattner is a prophet or just a noodge. Mr. Rattner pulled a driver from a burning gasoline truck last year, risking his life and earning an invitation to a “Heroes Breakfast” at the Hilton Rye Town last week. But when it came time to...