“Spano asks for meeting with NRC about latest Indian Point leaks”
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Sep 26, 2005 •
10:49 am No Comments
“Saying he remained alarmed about the revelation last week of a leak of radioactive water at Indian Point, Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano has written to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to ask for an immediate meeting.
“The leak, although characterized by both Entergy and the NRC as insignificant, is anything but that,” Spano said in a letter to Nils Diaz, the chairman of the NRC. “The fact that this condition was first reported to the NRC in late August or early September and local officials weren’t informed of its existence until September 20th has left us questioning the effectiveness of the NRC as an industry regulator. It also questions how we can continue to assure our citizens that the NRC is closely monitoring the licensee and plant operations.”
Saying he was writing in his capacity as chairman of the Four County Nuclear Committee for the Indian Point Nuclear Plants, Spano said he was concerned about the revelation last week of an ongoing leak of radioactive water from an excavation site near the spent fuel pool of Indian Point Reactor #2.
He said to Diaz, “I genuinely appreciated your visiting Westchester to meet and provide us with security information. During that visit you encouraged me to never hesitate to contact you in the future with any concerns. I am asking that you come again to Westchester to meet with me and the county executives of Rockland, Putnam and Orange to discuss the details of this fuel pool leak.””
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