“Letter to the Editor
For years, the people’s issue with the danger of keeping the Indian Point Nuclear Plant open has been circumvented. An alternate source of energy must be installed a.s.a.p. so that this age-old nuclear plant can be shut down. It presents a real threat to thousands of people in surrounding communities. I understand it does not have a “no-fly zone” protecting it and the nuclear waste leak from a crack in one of the containment tubes has not been stopped that I’m aware of. We simply cannot wait for a disaster to happen. Our representatives who do not live near it should no longer take this matter lightly when the possibility of a sudden meltdown from corrosion, or human oversight could become a reality at any time. The evacuation plan, it has been said, is not workable. The request to shut it down has been put on the back burner too long. Any little thing that goes wrong could suddenly be too big to handle.
The nuclear energy presently being supplied to thousands of Entergy’s customers via the antiquated Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant needs to be replaced with an alternate source as early as possible. This is a very urgent matter that has not yet been acted upon in the manner we’ve requested. The more time passes, the older it gets and the greater the possibility of a nuclear catastrophe. I would urge all of you to write to our representatives Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Sue Kelly requesting immediate action. Here are their websites: www.clinton.senate.gov, www.schumer.senate.gov, www.suekelly.house.gov.
Joni Mercado