“Sirens won’t help residents escape” by Irene J Kleinsinger, Tarrytown
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Nov 30, 2005 •
8:36 am No Comments
“Regarding “Siren replacement on fast track,” Nov. 17 article:
Whom are we kidding?
Fixing the emergency siren system at Indian Point may give a false sense of security to some, but what’s the point of a warning system when there can be no escape?
Imagine sitting in traffic during a normal rush hour. Make that Friday afternoon; add a rain storm. Now picture our highways on the Friday of a July Fourth weekend, or on Thanksgiving Day. We all know what that’s like. I hope we never have to experience what it would be like trying to get anywhere in the event of a nuclear accident or an attack on Indian Point. Sirens or not!”
To read the complete editorial, search the archives at the link below: