“Halt tritium leaks at Indian Point” a Poughkeepsie Journal Editorial
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Dec 13, 2005 •
10:06 am No Comments
“The discovery of increased levels of leaked tritium at Indian Point demonstrates the need for quick action to resolve this serious problem.
Entergy, the company that owns the nuclear power plant in Westchester County, has been taking steps to discover the origin of contaminated leakage that was discovered in August during a construction project.
It is disconcerting that the leak location has not yet been determined. Compounding the situation is additional on-site well testing revealed even more extensive contamination.
A recently drilled well recorded levels of radioactive tritium 30 times higher than the federal standard for drinking water. In October, tritium was found in water at the bottom of six sample wells on the property.
The situation must be rectified. This radioactive isotope, in large levels, can damage internal organs.
Entergy has important work ahead
Entergy is analyzing findings from the additional monitoring wells to determine how the contamination is flowing through the property. The leakage hasn’t yet reached a well that’s located between the facility and the Hudson River, but that is hardly settling news. Tritium is still found on site, in varying concentrations, and its source must be determined and repaired.
When Entergy took over ownership of the Indian Point plant, there were ongoing leaks. One fuel tank was so damaged the company decided its long-term solution would be to deactivate the tank and put the fuel rods into dry storage. That has yet to happen. But as more seepages of contaminants are found, it’s obvious the company must be more aggressive in locating the sources.
To generate electricity, Indian Point depends on and produces dangerous products. Safety, not only of the workers, but the neighboring communities and the environment, must be the top priority.”
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