“More radioactivity detected in Indian Point water”
“BUCHANAN — Federal nuclear regulators plan to inspect new samples of underground water at Indian Point today after the nuclear plants’ owner said that tiny amounts of radioactive tritium and strontium-90 appear to be seeping into the Hudson River. Both radioactive isotopes are byproducts of nuclear reactor operations, but federal regulators and local emergency officials...
“Hudson ‘likely’ a bit hot” by Greg Bruno
“Buchanan – Low-levels of radioactive water have been found below the Indian Point nuclear power plant near the Hudson River, providing the “strongest indication yet” that contamination is reaching the waterway, plant officials said yesterday. Indian Point owners announced in September that a spent fuel storage pool was leaking water laced with tritium, a nuclear...
“Clinton should act on Indian Point” by Nick Mottern
“The largest threat to the people of metropolitan New York, in my opinion, is the Indian Point nuclear-fired electric power plant in Buchanan. Indian Point’s reactors can be replaced by a gas-fired plant without loss of jobs and taxes. This can be done on an emergency basis, and the money is in place to do...
“Boston firm to install Indian Point sirens” by Greg Bruno
“Buchanan – The owners of the Indian Point nuclear power plant have chosen a Boston-based technology firm to install new emergency sirens in Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties. Entergy Nuclear Northeast announced yesterday that Acoustic Technology Inc. was selected for the $10 million project. The company will install electronic sirens with no moving parts...
“New sirens coming for Indian Point”
“BUCHANAN — If all goes as planned, Indian Point should have a new emergency siren system in place by the end of the year. Entergy Nuclear Northeast, which owns the Indian Point nuclear plants, has chosen a Boston company to replace the 156-siren emergency notification system that has been a headache for the company and...
“NRC commissioner continues two days of Indian Point meetings”
“The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is calling Commissioner Gregory Jaczko’s two-day visit to the Hudson Valley a fact-finding mission about the Indian Point nuclear power plants. Today is the second day of his visit. The commissioner, one of five members appointed by the president, is meeting with environmental groups including Riverkeeper and the Indian Point...
“Assessing Indian Point” a Journal News Editorial
“Go ahead, say what you want about the Department of Homeland Security — it dropped the ball on Hurricane Katrina, it would outsource port security to al-Qaida Inc., it really puts the “W” in domestic wiretap — its secretary could be our best friend in the Lower Hudson Valley. Michael Chertoff, at the prodding of...
“NRC official to visit Indian Point” by Greg Clary
“A Nuclear Regulatory Commission member plans to visit Indian Point next week, and federal elected officials are urging him to use the tour to conduct a thorough evaluation of the plants’ emergency evacuation and response plans. In a letter sent yesterday to NRC Commissioner Gregory Jaczko, Reps. Nita Lowey, D-Harrison, Eliot Engel, D-Bronx, and Maurice...
“Kelly pursuing independent safety review at IP”
“Congresswoman Sue Kelly is calling on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to conduct an Independent Safety Assessment at the Indian Point Energy Center in Buchanan. Kelly visited Indian Point on Jan. 30 to press her longstanding concerns about the NRC’s handling of an ongoing leak investigation at one of the spent fuel pools as well as...
“Indian Point summit in offing”
“Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff agreed yesterday to help organize a summit on Indian Point’s emergency evacuation plans. Chertoff said he would talk to his staff about setting up a team to review evacuation plans around the nuclear plants, in conjunction with the appropriate agencies, local officials and others. “We should look at the plan,”...
“Kelly urges Chertoff to hold IP “summit” in the Hudson Valley”
“Congresswoman Sue Kelly Thursday got a commitment from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that his agency will take a close, hands on look at the Indian Point nuclear power plants. Kelly questioned Chertoff during a House Transportation Committee hearing in Washington, D.C. Kelly called on Chertoff to explain FEMA’s reasoning for approving an emergency plan...
“Kelly: Nuke emergency plans need overhaul” by Greg Bruno
“Buchanan U.S. Rep. Sue Kelly called on Homeland Security officials yesterday to host a summit with federal, state and local leaders to reassess emergency preparedness plans for the Indian Point nuclear power plant. At a House Transportation Committee hearing in Washington, the Katonah Republican said evacuation plans for the areas surrounding Indian Point are inadequate,...