“Shutting down Indian Point a priority for probable State Senate candidate”
“The Indian Point nuclear reactors are just 25 miles from the closest points in the 42 nd State Senate District, currently represented by veteran Republican John Bonacic. Democrat Ulster County Legislator Susan Zimet is seriously considering a challenge. Indian Point could be a key issue. Zimet has taken an active interest in the debate over...
“Spitzer slams Bush policies Gubernatorial hopeful touts record on environment as he leads rivals in new poll” by Elizabeth Benjamin
“ALBANY — Democratic gubernatorial front-runner Eliot Spitzer outlined an environmental policy Wednesday focusing on renewable energy, cleaning the Hudson River and beefing up staffing at the state Department of Environmental Conservation. Speaking to a friendly audience of about 200 people at WAMC’s Linda Norris Auditorium, Spitzer railed against President Bush, whose policies have angered many...
“Radioactive Pools – not leaks” by Abby Luby
“Radioactive water leaking at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant is collecting beneath the plant in an area that is larger than 1000 square feet. Don Mayer of plant-owner Entergy and John White of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission told a skeptical and antagonistic crowd of about 450 people on Tuesday that some of the collections...
“Indian Point rated ‘green’ Critics slam NRC” by Greg Bruno
“Peekskill – While the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was praising Indian Point for a year of satisfactory performance during public meetings here yesterday, Mark Jacobs was in the parking lot, waving a giant rubber stamp. On it, one word summarized his disdain: W-h-i-t-e-w-a-s-h. Entergy Nuclear Northeast “is mishandling so many aspects of this plant that it...
“Indian Point, NRC officials met with skepticism” by Greg Clary
“PEEKSKILL — Federal regulators and Indian Point officials told a crowd of about 400 people last night that the radiation leaks at the nuclear plant do not pose a threat to public safety — but the skeptical audience did everything from calling for an independent investigation to demanding that the plant be closed. Sometimes speaking...
“Threat to public from mishaps at Indian Pt. plants never seems to exist”
“The mouthpieces for the Indian Point nuclear power plants and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have become such masters of spinning they could teach a class at Club Fit. No matter what happens with the aging plants, it’s never a big deal, never a threat to the public. Warning sirens that don’t sound? No problem. A...
CHILD CANCER NEAR INDIAN POINT PLANT RISES AFTER STRONTIUM-90 EXPOSURE – health risk linked to same chemical found in groundwater
“Trenton NJ, March 28 – Cancer in children living near the Indian Point nuclear plant rose just four years after increases in radioactive Strontium-90 in bodies of local children were found, according to a new medical journal article released today. The trend in average Sr-90 levels in 239 baby teeth of Putnam, Rockland, and Westchester...

“Radioactive leaks not viewed as threat NRC accused of misleading public about Indian Point” by Rita J. King
“A fire-hazard-sized crowd busted from the seams of Crystal Bay in Peekskill last night (Tuesday) to hear presentations by Entergy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on radioactive leaks heading toward the Hudson River. Despite the fact Entergy and NRC both admitted a lack of knowledge about the volume, source and intensity of the leaks,...
“Officials try pinpointing Indian Point leak” by Greg Clary
“BUCHANAN — The likeliest source of the radiation leak at Indian Point is a huge holding tank filled with water that cools and shields used plutonium fuel rods hot enough to catch fire if the pool were drained — and dangerous enough to kill anyone who comes in contact with them. “If you were exposed...
“Officials try pinpointing Indian Point leak” by Greg Clary
“BUCHANAN – The likeliest source of the radiation leak at Indian Point is a huge holding tank filled with water that cools and shields used plutonium fuel rods hot enough to catch fire if the pool were drained – and dangerous enough to kill anyone who comes in contact with them. “If you were exposed...
“Homeland Security vows Indian Point aid” by Greg Clary
“CORTLANDT — Indian Point is a top priority for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the agency will work more closely with local officials to prevent a terrorist attack and save lives in the event of a radiation release, a key agency executive said yesterday. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has ranked Indian Point “in...
“Indian Point evacuation plans to get another look” by Jim Fitzgerald
“CORTLANDT MANOR, N.Y. — Officials from the towns surrounding the Indian Point nuclear power complex, after meeting with Department of Homeland Security representatives, said Wednesday they were confident the federal government would fully reevaluate the area’s emergency evacuation plans. Rep. Sue Kelly, R-N.Y., who arranged the meeting, said she left the get-together with the impression...