“BUCHANAN – Radioactive strontium-90 has spread to other wells at Indian
Point and the highest levels found so far – nearly three times the amount
allowed for drinking water – have been found within 150 feet of the Hudson
Entergy Nuclear Northeast, the owner of Indian Point, released the latest
numbers this afternoon, noting that strontium-90 has now been found in three
wells near Indian Point 2’s spent fuel pool, which began leaking radiated
water in August.
Jim Steets, a spokesman for the company, said the latest results were
confirmed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which performed similar
tests for strontium-90 on the same sample Indian Point used.
“Clearly these are different findings than we’ve seen, but they’re not near
any drinking water supplies,” Steets said. “It still remains that there’s no
public health threat here.”
NRC officials confirmed that late today.”