“BUCHANAN – The owners of Indian Point applied this afternoon for an extra
75 days to install emergency sirens across the four counties surrounding
the nuclear plant, citing engineering and permit delays that will prevent
them from meeting their Jan. 30 deadline.
Officials from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s said it’s too soon to
say whether the deadline would be extended.
“We’re evaluating the extension request to determine if there’s valid
justification for it,” said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan. “The Energy Policy
Act of 2005 requires that backup power for the system be in place (by Feb.
Rather than putting in a new backup power system to comply with the Aug.
18, 2005 federal legislation, Entergy Nuclear Northeast agreed 15 months
ago to install a completely new siren system – at a cost of about $10
million – to solve repeated power and other electronic failures that
plagued the company for nearly two years.”
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