“NRC won’t conduct ISA of Indian Point; Hinchey, Hall critical”
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Feb 18, 2007 •
12:47 pm No Comments
“Washington – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Friday informed House Members Maurice Hinchey and John Hall that it will not conduct an independent safety review of the Indian Point nuclear power plants in Buchanan.
Both lawmakers are incensed by the decision.
Hinchey said the NRC is “essentially covering up the inadequacy of the safety and security” at Indian Point.
“It’s close to a geological fault and it’s in the most densely part of the country, and it’s now leaking radioactive material out into the river,” he said. “There is definite need for a very, very comprehensive analysis here. If they are not capable of doing it themselves, it has to be done by someone from the outside to handle this and we are going to continue to press that until we achieve the objective.”
Hall is not surprised by the NRC decision. “That’s why we have to mandate an ISA in legislation,” he said. “The bottom line is that an ISA is a more stringent safety standard than an in-house safety review and the people in the Hudson Valley deserve the safest possible facility at Indian Point.””
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