“Two years of ups and downs at Indian Point” by Greg Clary
“The past two years at the Indian Point nuclear plant have been a study in contrasts. The plant has been beset with what company officials call “challenges” – everything from radiation leaks to workers worried that they might be punished for pointing out safety concerns. Yet the plant’s production of electricity – the juice that...
“Panel discusses Indian Point testing; About Those Leaks…” by Abby Luby
“For over a decade radioactive water has been leaking from spent fuel pools at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Buchanan. Newer leaks reported 18 months ago indicated that irradiated water from the pools had found its way into the ground water and the Hudson River. It’s been difficult for Entergy, the plant owner,...
“Indian Point says leave radioactive waste alone” by Greg Bruno
“A draft copy of Indian Point’s investigation into tritium leaking beneath the Unit 2 reactor says it’s best not to pump radioactive water. Buchanan — When is doing nothing better than decisive action? When “nothing” might slow the movement of radioactive waste. Owners of the Indian Point nuclear power station say the best way to...