“Nuke agency should expand relicensing rules” a Poughkeepsie Journal Editorial
“Westchester County executives have gone a step further in pushing for reform in nuclear power plant relicensing. That’s a wise and necessary move considering there is an aging facility in the densely populated backyard of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Buchanan. As Westchester authorities argued in court recently, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must...
“Indian Pt. neighbors may hear ‘gunshots’ during drill” by Greg Clary
“BUCHANAN – Residents around Indian Point who hear gunshots or other disturbances coming from the nuclear plant this week should not worry – they’re only simulated attacks to improve overall security. The force-on-force exercises, as they’re called, will be conducted today through Thursday in unrehearsed scenarios designed to test officers’ ability to respond. “It’s likely...
“County to fight NRC in federal court” by Abby Luby
“Westchester County is taking the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to federal court, saying its relicensing guidelines for nuclear power plants are inadequate. For the last three years County Executive Andrew Spano has argued that the NRC criteria for relicensing the 40-year-old Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant fails to protect the public. The county will make that...
“Report says Indian Point, New York area at risk” by Abby Luby
“New research reveals that not one, but two seismic faults run beneath the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants in Buchanan. The recent report by Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory says that a previously unknown seismic zone runs from Stamford, Connecticut to Peekskill, passing less than a mile north of the Indian Point nuclear power plants....
“Feds delay decision on license renewal” by Greg Clary
“Federal regulators will delay a decision on renewing Indian Point’s operating license an additional four months – until late summer 2010 – to give them more time to evaluate safety and environmental issues at the nuclear plant. “We have said from the beginning that we are committed to a thorough and rigorous review of the...