
Monthly archive January, 2009

“More Information needed on Indian Point’s cable system” by Abby Luby

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants more information from Entergy, owner of the Indian Point nuclear power plants, about various cable systems at the facility. In a Safety Evaluation Report just issued, the NRC said it was concerned about cables that were submerged under water. “We have opened up manholes and have seen water that’s impacting...

“NRC to Indian Point: We need more info” by Abby Luby

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) wants to know how Entergy will manage aging components for another 20 years at Indian Point, one of the country’s oldest nuclear power plants. Indian Point units 2 and 3 were built in 1974 and 1976 and are currently operating on a 40 years license. Last week the NRC requested...