“Judge won’t bite on Indian Point fish fight” by Greg Clary
“A state court has told Indian Point officials their timing is wrong in trying to fight New York regulators about using Hudson River water to cool the plant’s nuclear reactors. “Petitioner’s claims are not ripe for review by the Court at this time,” acting state Supreme Court Justice Gerald Connolly wrote in a decision released...
NY State Supreme Court Affirms that Indian Point Adversely Impacts Fish Riverkeeper and DEC victorious in effort to bring plant into compliance with CWA
June 26, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Andrea Kott (914) 478-4501 x 239 akott@riverkeeper.org NY State Supreme Court Affirms that Indian Point Adversely Impacts Fish
Riverkeeper and DEC victorious in effort to bring plant into compliance with CWA (TarrytownRiverkeeper and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and dismissed Entergy’s petition to overturn a decision by the...
“Decommissioning funds in question”
“If Entergy’s license renewal application for Indian Point Unit 2 is turned down by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the company wouldn’t have enough decommissioning funds to close down in 2013 when its license expires. The multi-billion dollar utility company also wouldn’t have enough money to decommission and close down Unit 1, the oldest of the...
“Nuclear plant seeks OK to move uranium” by Greg Clary
“BUCHANAN – Indian Point officials want to shuffle some of their used uranium fuels rods between nuclear reactors to create storage space, but federal regulators say they’ll need to see a lot more details before they’ll approve such a plan. “This has not been done with any frequency in the United States,” NRC spokesman Neil...
“Clearwater Contention against Entergy Denied” by Abby Luby
“The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) announced last week that they have rejected new contentions submitted by Clearwater against the re-licensing of Indian Point. In March Clearwater argued against the license renewal by Indian Point’s owner, Entergy, until a water safety study is done. Clearwater was acting on the pending application by United Water...
For immediate release Contact Joseph Mangano 609-399-4343 Sharon Cunningham 647-477-5672 June 3, 2009 – A fast, inexpensive test that determines elevated thyroid stimulating hormone, an indcator that the thyroid gland may be under stress, will be available at a public event later this month. The ThyroChek testing program will examine if persons living near the...
“Indian Point 3 shut down once again” by Hoa Nguyen
“BUCHANAN – The Indian Point 3 nuclear reactor has been shut down for the third time in three weeks, putting into question its record of reliability, officials said. This latest shutdown on Sunday comes after a string of glitches at the plant. Indian Point 2, the plant’s other reactor, was shut down April 3 due...