Marilyn Elie of IPSEC gives speech at Union Square, NYC

Marilyn Elie of IPSEC gives speech at Union Square, NYC

On a beautiful Saturday, March 15th, a coalition of no-nukes activists and and many participants held a demonstration in New York City. The slogan read, to mark the 3rd anniversary of TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Fukushima to Indian Point – We’re All Connected.
About 200 people gathered at Union Square. We started with a few brief speeches at Union Square and then marched to Tompkins Park. The streets were packed and many seemed very interested in what we were doing. Many took hand outs.
The march was joined by many friends in NYC as well as the Peace Walkers who walked a week prior to Indian Point and then to Peekskill for the Blessing of the Waters at Peekskill Riverfront Green. Hopefully many of these folks will contact their Mayor and put Indian Point on his radar screen!