Exposing Entergy’s Latest Lies
Marilyn Elie, of Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, responds to what many view as outright lies by Entergy Corporation’s pro-nuclear industry’s recent massive “Ad” campaign. Following a meeting to shut down Indian Point nuclear power plant, the multiple groups made videos to “Bust the Myths” created by this false advertisement. This is a warning call...
Winner of the Geiger Counter Contest
Geiger Counter Raffle Results: and the winner is… Elizabeth Helbraun, from Brooklyn, NY This year at the Clearwater Festival, IPSEC conducted a Geiger Counter Raffle, with the hope that the lucky winner would join our Indian Point Citizens Radiation Monitoring network. The winner of the raffle was Elizabeth Helbraun, from Brooklyn, NY. We are very...
NYC Council Campaign
The struggle to close Indian Point is heating up – especially in New York City. Entergy just sent out some preposterous but slick propaganda mailers. They need to be countered immediately with phone calls to NYC Council Members to urge them to pass resolution #0694 which calls for the shut down of Indian Point. We...