Nuclear Radiation: New Findings Bring Horror and Hope
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Oct 28, 2015 •
8:54 pm No Comments

In the wake of the NRC’s shocking cancellation of a study on the cancer risks of nuclear power plants, new studies have been released throwing the situation in stark relief. A paper published in the November issue of Epidemiology, studied children in the Fukushima region of Japan. The study found that children have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer at a rate of 20 to 50 times that of children elsewhere. In contrast to that horror, the Radiation and Public Health Project has uncovered two studies that link fewer cancers and decreased infant mortality to closing nuclear power plants.
To read about the Epidemiology study, click the link below:
To read about the hopeful studies uncovered by the Radiation and Public Health Project, click the link below:
To read about the study that the NRC cancelled, click the link below: