“The Technological World and the Risk of Nuclear Power” by Steven Cohen
“This past week, the New York Times’ Jonathan Soble reminded us that the cleanup of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster that took place five years ago will still take decades to complete. It was a stark reminder of the limits and dangers of modern technology. As Soble reports: …a full cleanup of the site...

PEACE WALK WITH US – With Jun Yasuda of the Grafton Peace Pagoda
Fukushima Commemorative Indian Point Peace Walk – Sunday, March 13, (9:45, Daylight Saving Time) In observance of the 5th Anniversary of the Ongoing Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi BE SURE TO SET YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD! Meet at Peekskill Train Station @ 9:45 AM, Start Walking to Indian Point @ 10 AM _______________________________________________________________________________________ Metro North Hudson Line schedule...

Indian Point 11 “Happy To Plead Guilty”
Local news has covered the brief court procedure for the Indian Point 11. According to FIOS1News: “A group of protesters pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges after they were arrested for picketing at the entrance of the nuclear power plant in December. “The group says they are standing up for safety of the community. They...

Tuesday, March 8th: Indian Point 11 Press Conference & Arraignment
Tuesday, March 8th Press Conference 3:15-3:45 pm; Arraignment at 4 pm Buchanan Village Court 236 Tate Avenue, Buchanan, NY 10511 DETAILS: Press conference with Gary Shaw of IPSEC (Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition) and representatives from anti-nuclear and anti-pipeline groups and music, to be followed by arraignment in the court, with supporters in attendance. Sally...
Design Flaw in Reactor Cooling System at Indian Point? NRC Claims No Danger to the Public.
A recently released dissenting opinion by seven Nuclear Regulatory Commission engineers came to a startling conclusion: reactors in the United States may have a design flaw that renders the emergency electricity system which provides cooling to the reactor core useless. This can trigger the worst sort of nuclear incident – an unplanned shutdown. Their findings...

Support the Indian Point 11!
Short Summary Indian Point, a three-unit nuclear power plant 25 miles north of New York City, first opened in 1962. The original reactor was decommissioned in 1974. On midnight, December 12, 2015, the last federal operating 40-year license for the remaining two expired. That morning, several dozen concerned citizens held “caution” tape across the entrance of...

New York Times Covers Indian Point/Spectra Pipeline Protest At Governor’s Home
“BUCHANAN, N.Y. — Every so often, catastrophes prompt fresh worries about the Indian Point nuclear power plant, whose twin domes loom over the Hudson River about 45 miles north of Midtown Manhattan. “In 2001, the terror attacks on Sept. 11 spurred calls to shut down the two reactors here, amid concern of a similar attack...

Thursday, March 3rd: RALLY FOR SAFE WATER
Thursday, March 3rd, Noon-1 pm Northeast corner of City Hall Park Chambers St. & Center St., New York, NY 10007 Shut Down Indian Point Now, our New York City sibling organization, is organizing a rally at City Hall to ask Mayor DeBlasio: Is Our Water Safe? February 6, 2016, Indian Point reported a huge inccrease...