— May 31st, 2016 Action —
Come to the NYS Public Service Commission Hearings on the Clean Energy Standard to support the purchase of new and existing renewable energy resources. Strongly oppose the inclusion of a tax on all New Yorkers to prop up aging and unsafe nuclear reactors in upstate New York and eventually Indian Point.
The PSC must not tax all ratepayers in New York State for an estimated $3.5 billion bailout for unprofitable nuclear reactors in upstate New York. Entergy has already said that it would sue to make the monies available to Indian Point. Public policy must include subsidies for the emerging technologies of wind, especially off-shore wind, hydroelectric, tidal, and the installation of community- and utility-scale solar, as well as storage and energy efficiency measures.
This is critical. If New York includes nuclear power in its Clean Energy Standards other states will follow suit. We cannot allow this to happen. Nuclear energy is a dirty and failed technology that has no place in any clean energy plan. Make your voice heard at the upcoming Public Hearing on the Clean Energy Standard.
Tues., May 31, New York City: NY State Public Service Commission Boardroom, 4th Floor, 90 Church St., NY, NY.
5:00 PM – Rally in City Hall Park across from 90 Church Street
6:00 P.M – Information Session;
7:00 PM – Public Statement Hearing
Can’t make the meeting? Send your comments here: http://www.allianceforagreeneconomy.org/nukes-are-not-clean . Don’t put it off; do it NOW! The deadline is June 6, 2016.
For more information: www.allianceforagreeneconomy.org/sites/default/files/CES_Summary_Memo_0.pdf
Last actions: call your elected official and ask them to sign the linked letter as a body or as an individual. They all received a copy of the letter last week in a mailing from Clearwater. Also ask your organization to sign it.
If you need more information watch this short video. Thank you Charlie Olson for all of your work in putting this together. Thanks also to the Sierra Club who who did the original slides for talking points.
More information: Memorandum on NYS PSC Clean Energy Standard with list of hearings (PDF)