We need all boots on the ground!
We are planning a press conference at 5 pm. Can you come early and be part of it? We need a crowd of people holding signs. This is an important press conference since our pipeline allies will be there in an expression of solidarity.
Your attendance is VITAL!!!
Gov. Cuomo has directed the PSC to include nuclear power in the Clean Energy Standard in an attempt to keep 3 struggling reactors in upstate NY open. For the rest of us it amounts to a nuclear tax to raise the money. Be there to say NO to nuclear in the CES!
The Gov. has said Indian Point is not part of this deal. Entergy, the owners of Indian Point have said that they will sue to be included. They have a good chance of winning. If they do, ratepayers in the Hudson River Valley could be stuck with huge decommissioning and other costs.
Nuclear is neither clean nor green and it is not carbon free. Tell the PSC it has NO place in our Clean Energy Standards. Say yes to off shore wind that can give us electricity that is truly green and clean. Be there and be counted.
On Thursday, June 16th, the Public Service Commission has agreed to host the only public hearings to take place in Westchester County on the implementation of a large-scale renewable energy program and a clean energy standard for New York State.
The hearing will be held at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor, NY, 10567. The public hearing schedule is as follows:
6:00pm – Information Session
7:00pm – Public Statement Hearing
There is a 2:00 pm session for those who cannot attend the evening event.
For more information: http://cleanupthecleanenergystandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/CES_Summary_Memo_updated.pdf
New York is a leader in finding a new paradigm for the way we develop our electricity market and infrastructure. If nuclear power is included in the NY plan you can expect to see it in other plans all across the nation. It will be a big win for those who so mistakenly believe that nuclear is the answer to climate change. This has got to be stopped. Public comment on the last draft of the CES influenced the PSC and we can do this again to keep to keep the standards green and meaningful. Expect Entergy to send employees and other union members to say the opposite. It is really important to have a big turnout for this event. Please make every effort to be there and post this on your social media sites and send it on to friends and interested others.
We had a good turnout for the NRC Annual assessment meeting and it made an impression on the press. One more mass meeting for the summer and then a party at Croton Point Park in the Rec Hall on Sunday, June 19th, noon to 6 pm! We all deserve some time off!!
Here is the back story to this hearing. The hearing in NYC on May 31 was supposed to be the last. Some of us got there early for the afternoon session and found a room that could only seat 100. Security was not expecting people for a public meeting and had no idea that there would be a lot of people at the evening meeting. Gary immediately began calling officials at the PSC and in his usual subtle way way told them that this was not acceptable. The 5 pm Rally had about 400 people and after it was over everyone walked over to the PSC office for the 6 pm informational hearing and public comment period. Of course, as predicted, there was no way for a lot of people to hear the presentation or make their comments. As a result we were offered the June 19 meeting in Westchester. It is so important that we all show up for this meeting and let the PSC know that nuclear has no place in the Clean Energy Standards and that we support the Sierra Club and Green Alliance in their call for a special tier for off shore wind.
Additional Note:
If there is WiFi, Sally will set up to join the Democracy Watch media call at 3*; if folks want to say a few words to that group, she will have cell phone and can put folks on. This is the call that some of us were on a couple of months ago to discuss nuclear energy, which we will be doing again on August 4th.
*This is the renamed and continued Occupy Media call that started during the original Occupation of Zuccotti Park/Liberty Square. It is an open newsroom, activists and journalists are welcome. If those who have had a chance to speak to the PSC would like to say a few words, or those waiting their turn, she will facilitate that if tech is possible.
My name is Marie Inserra. I am a retired primary health care provider and I live in Peekskill NY. I thank you for the opportunity to present my comments and applaud the efforts of the Department of Public Service to strategize solutions to the energy challenges we face. I am here to voice my concern for the state of our environment here in the lower Hudson Valley, as well as for various elements of the Clean Energy Standard being proposed by the Public Service Commission.
Fracked gas and nuclear power cannot be considered part of a clean energy future. The methane emitted during transport of fracked gas has a far worse effect on climate change than carbon. This, in addition to the numerous carcinogens in fracked gas, the ever growing risk of pipeline explosions and their attendant devastation, as well as the horrific environmental damage done in extracting this gas from its source should have prompted immediate sanctions against this industry long ago.
Here in our backyard we are witnessing the ultimate folly — a high pressure pipeline slated to carry fossil fuel, passing just over 100 feet from critical infrastructure at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. How lucky do these industries feel –allowing these two risks to coexist in close proximity to the intersection of two active seismic zones? I can tell you that we the people don’t feel lucky at all!
There are many who do believe that nuclear power should be part of a clean energy plan. How can this be the case when we know that nuclear waste lasts virtually forever? There are currently more than 2500 metric tons of high level nuclear waste stored on site at Indian Point. What will become of this waste in the event of a catastrophic disaster, natural or otherwise, occurring in the vicinity of Indian Point? What about the risk to our environment from the byproducts of nuclear power whose half lives range from 30 to 710.,000 years? What about the regulated radiation discharges into the Hudson River and the leakage of strontium 90 into groundwater under the plant which seeps into the Hudson? What about the risks of uranium mining and the damage to communities where these mines are located? *What about the fact that thyroid cancer rates in counties proximal to Indian Point which had been 24% below US rates in the 1970’s have now skyrocketed to 50% higher than the national incidence?
Governor Cuomo has directed the PSC to include nuclear power in the Clean Energy Standard in an attempt to keep 3 struggling nuclear plants in upstate New York open. If this occurs, the result will be a nuclear tax for the citizens of New York State. Indian Point is to be excluded from this subsidization. Entergy, the owner of Indian Point, has indicated a plan to sue to be included. If they were to win, ratepayers in the Hudson Valley will be underwriting this expense as well.
The Cuomo administration proposes to have New York generate 50% of its electric power from renewable sources by 2030. This will never occur if we continue to increase our dependence on fossil fuel. Fracked gas is touted as a bridge fuel but this is a bridge to nowhere except hastening the demise of our planet. It’s time to put our money where it can do the most good . Instead of talking about how inadequate renewable sources of energy are to meet our needs, let’s devote some real financial muscle to developing solar, geothermal and wind technologies to change that profile. Let’s focus more on energy saving techniques including simply using less energy in our daily lives. We owe this to the planet and the future generations of its inhabitants.
* Sentence not included in the oral presentation
URGENT! 6/16 – Clean Energy Standard Meeting
by Site Admin on Jun 14, 2016 • 7:55 am No CommentsWe are planning a press conference at 5 pm. Can you come early and be part of it? We need a crowd of people holding signs. This is an important press conference since our pipeline allies will be there in an expression of solidarity.
Your attendance is VITAL!!!
Gov. Cuomo has directed the PSC to include nuclear power in the Clean Energy Standard in an attempt to keep 3 struggling reactors in upstate NY open. For the rest of us it amounts to a nuclear tax to raise the money. Be there to say NO to nuclear in the CES!
The Gov. has said Indian Point is not part of this deal. Entergy, the owners of Indian Point have said that they will sue to be included. They have a good chance of winning. If they do, ratepayers in the Hudson River Valley could be stuck with huge decommissioning and other costs.
Nuclear is neither clean nor green and it is not carbon free. Tell the PSC it has NO place in our Clean Energy Standards. Say yes to off shore wind that can give us electricity that is truly green and clean. Be there and be counted.
On Thursday, June 16th, the Public Service Commission has agreed to host the only public hearings to take place in Westchester County on the implementation of a large-scale renewable energy program and a clean energy standard for New York State.
The hearing will be held at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor, NY, 10567. The public hearing schedule is as follows:
6:00pm – Information Session
7:00pm – Public Statement Hearing
There is a 2:00 pm session for those who cannot attend the evening event.
For more information: http://cleanupthecleanenergystandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/CES_Summary_Memo_updated.pdf
New York is a leader in finding a new paradigm for the way we develop our electricity market and infrastructure. If nuclear power is included in the NY plan you can expect to see it in other plans all across the nation. It will be a big win for those who so mistakenly believe that nuclear is the answer to climate change. This has got to be stopped. Public comment on the last draft of the CES influenced the PSC and we can do this again to keep to keep the standards green and meaningful. Expect Entergy to send employees and other union members to say the opposite. It is really important to have a big turnout for this event. Please make every effort to be there and post this on your social media sites and send it on to friends and interested others.
We had a good turnout for the NRC Annual assessment meeting and it made an impression on the press. One more mass meeting for the summer and then a party at Croton Point Park in the Rec Hall on Sunday, June 19th, noon to 6 pm! We all deserve some time off!!
Here is the back story to this hearing. The hearing in NYC on May 31 was supposed to be the last. Some of us got there early for the afternoon session and found a room that could only seat 100. Security was not expecting people for a public meeting and had no idea that there would be a lot of people at the evening meeting. Gary immediately began calling officials at the PSC and in his usual subtle way way told them that this was not acceptable. The 5 pm Rally had about 400 people and after it was over everyone walked over to the PSC office for the 6 pm informational hearing and public comment period. Of course, as predicted, there was no way for a lot of people to hear the presentation or make their comments. As a result we were offered the June 19 meeting in Westchester. It is so important that we all show up for this meeting and let the PSC know that nuclear has no place in the Clean Energy Standards and that we support the Sierra Club and Green Alliance in their call for a special tier for off shore wind.
Additional Note:
If there is WiFi, Sally will set up to join the Democracy Watch media call at 3*; if folks want to say a few words to that group, she will have cell phone and can put folks on. This is the call that some of us were on a couple of months ago to discuss nuclear energy, which we will be doing again on August 4th.
*This is the renamed and continued Occupy Media call that started during the original Occupation of Zuccotti Park/Liberty Square. It is an open newsroom, activists and journalists are welcome. If those who have had a chance to speak to the PSC would like to say a few words, or those waiting their turn, she will facilitate that if tech is possible.
My name is Marie Inserra. I am a retired primary health care provider and I live in Peekskill NY. I thank you for the opportunity to present my comments and applaud the efforts of the Department of Public Service to strategize solutions to the energy challenges we face. I am here to voice my concern for the state of our environment here in the lower Hudson Valley, as well as for various elements of the Clean Energy Standard being proposed by the Public Service Commission.
Fracked gas and nuclear power cannot be considered part of a clean energy future. The methane emitted during transport of fracked gas has a far worse effect on climate change than carbon. This, in addition to the numerous carcinogens in fracked gas, the ever growing risk of pipeline explosions and their attendant devastation, as well as the horrific environmental damage done in extracting this gas from its source should have prompted immediate sanctions against this industry long ago.
Here in our backyard we are witnessing the ultimate folly — a high pressure pipeline slated to carry fossil fuel, passing just over 100 feet from critical infrastructure at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. How lucky do these industries feel –allowing these two risks to coexist in close proximity to the intersection of two active seismic zones? I can tell you that we the people don’t feel lucky at all!
There are many who do believe that nuclear power should be part of a clean energy plan. How can this be the case when we know that nuclear waste lasts virtually forever? There are currently more than 2500 metric tons of high level nuclear waste stored on site at Indian Point. What will become of this waste in the event of a catastrophic disaster, natural or otherwise, occurring in the vicinity of Indian Point? What about the risk to our environment from the byproducts of nuclear power whose half lives range from 30 to 710.,000 years? What about the regulated radiation discharges into the Hudson River and the leakage of strontium 90 into groundwater under the plant which seeps into the Hudson? What about the risks of uranium mining and the damage to communities where these mines are located? *What about the fact that thyroid cancer rates in counties proximal to Indian Point which had been 24% below US rates in the 1970’s have now skyrocketed to 50% higher than the national incidence?
Governor Cuomo has directed the PSC to include nuclear power in the Clean Energy Standard in an attempt to keep 3 struggling nuclear plants in upstate New York open. If this occurs, the result will be a nuclear tax for the citizens of New York State. Indian Point is to be excluded from this subsidization. Entergy, the owner of Indian Point, has indicated a plan to sue to be included. If they were to win, ratepayers in the Hudson Valley will be underwriting this expense as well.
The Cuomo administration proposes to have New York generate 50% of its electric power from renewable sources by 2030. This will never occur if we continue to increase our dependence on fossil fuel. Fracked gas is touted as a bridge fuel but this is a bridge to nowhere except hastening the demise of our planet. It’s time to put our money where it can do the most good . Instead of talking about how inadequate renewable sources of energy are to meet our needs, let’s devote some real financial muscle to developing solar, geothermal and wind technologies to change that profile. Let’s focus more on energy saving techniques including simply using less energy in our daily lives. We owe this to the planet and the future generations of its inhabitants.
* Sentence not included in the oral presentation