Find out the current status of Indian Point and what might happen next.
Visit the IPSEC information table at the Beacon Sloop Club Corn Fest on the banks of the Hudson River, at the Pete and Toshi Seeger Park, within walking distance of the Metro North Beacon Train Station. If you would like to help table, call 800.474. 8848.
Sunday, August 14, noon to 5.
Hats off to Beacon Sloop Club and the way they continue to carry on the vision of their founder, Pete Seeger who is responsible for a cleaner Hudson River and who also wanted to close Indian Point!
Below you will find a note from Dan Einbender, a great Hudson Valley folk singer, with some more information about the festival.
Marilyn Elie
A great day to visit Beacon! Come to the river for the Corn Festival and swim in the Riverpool, all at Pete and Toshi Seeger Park, all free! I’ll be performing on the main stage around 3 PM. Then come to the Towne Crier Cafe in the evening, to have supper and listen to the Breakneck Ridge Review, featuring the likes of Andy Revkin, Mark Murphy, Patrick Stanfield Jones, Todd Guidice, David Ross, David Rothenberg, and yours truly! —Dan Einbender