Every day (and every minute) that Indian Point operates is another round of Russian Roulette. It should not be relicensed and it should be shut down and decommissioned. It is an old and degraded facility and its sister plants of Entergy Nuclear Northeast (Vermont Yankee – closed, Pilgrim in Cape Cod – closing, FitzPatrick – closing or being sold to Exelon) have all been losing money that puts more financial stress on the company that means less resources to stay ahead of the degradation of the only one making money. SHUT IT DOWN BEFORE THE BIG ONE HAPPENS!


“An unknown amount of oil spilled at the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Friday after the cooling system for one of the turbines malfunctioned.

“Indian Point officials say they alerted state and county environmental officials Friday morning after they observed oil in a discharge canal that empties into the Hudson River.

“We observed an oil sheen in a discharge canal today,” said Jerry Nappi, a spokesman for Indian Point’s owner, Entergy. “There was no oil observed in the river and state DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) officials came to the site.”

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Indian Point officials say the situation has been brought under control, and the oil was contained within the plant and didn’t reach the Hudson River.

“Cuomo said the state Department of Environmental Conservation was called during the day to check on the situation, and they’ll continue to monitor it throughout the weekend and Monday. He said a private remediation company will clean the leak.

“During a press conference at Indian Point Friday night, Cuomo said that he’s confident the situation is under control but it’s one that requires a lot of care.”

“Any real problem at Indian Point is one problem too many,” Cuomo said. “This is a nuclear power plant that’s located next to a very densely populated area, so we take situations like this seriously.”

“Nappi said the oil was used to lubricate machinery and was not considered radioactive.”

To read the full article by Chris Eberhart at LOHUD.COM, click the link below:
