From our friends at Stop The Cuomo Tax/No Nuclear Bailout:


“We’re just getting started with our statewide push to Stop the Cuomo Tax and end the nuclear bailout that would cost New Yorkers nearly $8 billion in higher electricity rates. But already we’ve seen incredible momentum out of the gate. This week organizers staged a protest outside of Cuomo’s parade for Columbus Day, and we’re planning more events to increase our visibility in the coming days.

Make sure to sign up to volunteer for a leafletting event… Thursday.

Already we’re gaining a lot of traction around our campaign with thousands of you signed up to stop the Cuomo Tax. Check out some of the media coverage from the last weeks:

Journal News: Cuomo Wrong on Nuclear Plant Bailout

New York’s nuclear bailout is merely the latest example of business getting off scot-free while taxpayers pick up multi-billion-dollar tabs. Gov. Andrew Cuomo is planning to bail out the aging and money-losing Ginna, FitzPatrick and Nine Mile Point nuclear plants, some of America’s oldest nuclear plants owned by Exelon and Entergy, with nearly $8 billion of New Yorkers’ hard-earned money (and another $2.8 billion if energy prices fall).

Gannett/The Journal News: Upstate nuclear plants’ bailout among biggest in NY history

The tab for one of the largest corporate bailouts in the state’s history will be picked up by every New Yorker with an electric bill.

Politico New York: National Advocacy Group Joins Fight Against Cuomo’s Nuclear Subsidy

New York Public News Service: Activists Oppose Ratepayer Bailout of Nuke Plants

“Nuclear power is not a clean nor renewable source,” he said. “It’s dirty and it’s dangerous, and it’s very expensive.”

Platts: New York Nuclear Plant Subsidies Fuel Controversy

Electric Light and Power: Activists oppose FitzPatrick nuclear plant sale to Exelon

Gannett News-Coalition forms to fight NY nuclear bailout.

Blair Horner, NYPIRG’s legislative director, said ratepayers shouldn’t be asked to pick up the tab for the aging plants, particularly as the state and nation shift toward renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

“This is like subsidizing the horse-and-buggy industry while Henry Ford is rolling cars off the assembly line,” Horner said at a news conferenceWednesday near the state Capitol.

New York Daily News: Cuomo plan to add nuclear plants may cost Con Edison customers extra $705M

Politico New York: Advocacy groups launch statewide campaign to fight $1B nuclear subsidy

YNN/State of Politics: Coalition Forms To Oppose Utility Surcharge

CNHI Newgroup: Nuclear plan gets backlash from left, right

Newsday: Groups: Cuomo to hike LI utility rates to aid upstate

Capital Tonight segment: Campaign Launched to Oppose Utility Tax.

NY Public Radio: Groups Call Nuke Plant Bailout a ‘Tax’ on Ratepayers

Capitol Pressroom: Eric Weltman and Russ Haven

For more from Stop The Cuomo Tax/No Nuclear Bailout, click the link below: