The Fight to Stop Cuomo’s $7.6 Billion Nuclear Bailout Continues!
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Dec 20, 2016 •
9:46 pm No Comments
Over the past several months, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been hatching a secret deal to force New Yorkers to spend $7.6 billion in order to bail out Exelon, a wealthy Chicago corporation. Gov. Cuomo has refused to publicly disclose the full details of his plan, but we know that our hard-earned money would be used to bail out old, outdated and inefficient nuclear power plants upstate.
On Thursday, the Public Service Commission met in Albany to approve the sale of the FitzPatrick nuclear plant, the first step in the bailout process. Regardless of their decision, Gov. Cuomo still has the power to unplug this disastrous bailout and offer New York an energy policy that saves money and powers the state with safe, clean energy sources.
We can’t let up now. Send a message telling Gov. Cuomo that New Yorkers aren’t willing to foot the $7.6 billion bill for this disastrous nuclear bailout. We deserve better.
It’s abundantly clear the people of New York deserve better energy, especially the nearly 800,000 people who already can’t afford to pay their utility bills. Yet for some reason, Gov. Cuomo insists on forcing his own constituents to pay for this $7.6 billion bailout of a Chicago corporation operating unsafe, unprofitable nuclear plants in New York. This is obviously unacceptable, and we’re not the only ones who think so.
Over 25,000 New Yorkers have made their voices heard by opposing the Cuomo Tax. Leading climate experts like Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson have also shown that by investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy New York can generate cheaper, cleaner energy and more jobs than wasteful bailouts of old, failing nuclear power plants. It’s time for the governor to go back to the drawing board, and we need to push even harder for him to agree.
Stand with over 25,000 New Yorkers and call upon Gov. Cuomo to scrap his disastrous, expensive bailout scheme.
It is unfair to put a $7.6 billion burden on the backs of hard-working ratepayers, especially when that bailout benefits unprofitable, unsafe and outdated nuclear plants owned by immensely profitable corporations.
Thank you for joining us in this fight.
To send a message directly to the Governor, click the link below: