TUESDAY, JANUARY 10th: Demonstrate Against the CUOMO NUCLEAR TAX!
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Jan 5, 2017 •
7:41 pm No Comments

Demonstrate against Cuomo’s Nuclear Tax and the infamous Tier 3!
Let Cuomo know that spending 7.2 billion dollars on four failing reactors is a dreadful idea, especially since Entergy will be able to claim similar subsidies for Indian Point. The Clean Energy Plan is better without the reactors. Nuclear power is NOT Greenhouse gas free. We need real renewables that are clean and green.
Spending billions on a nuclear subsidy for the next ten years is buying ten more years of high level radioactive waste. Spend money for people and communities to transition to a green economy – not for corporate stockholders to make a profit!
Tuesday, January 10, 2016
SUNY Purchase, Performing Arts Center, 735 Anderson Hill Road
Assemble at 9:30 AM with signs, banners and any handouts you might have.
The Governor is carefully controlling his audience. Invitations are nontransferable and forwards will not get you in the door.