“Riverkeeper, New York State, and Entergy sign a landmark agreement to close Indian Point by 2021”
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Jan 9, 2017 •
9:19 am No Comments

““It’s a win for the safety of our communities, a win for the Hudson River and all the rich variety of life within it, and a win for a clean, sustainable energy future.”
– Paul Gallay
Dear Friend,
We are experiencing history in the making. It is the accumulation of countless hours of advocacy, legal expertise and fighting for what’s right for the River that has lead to this triumphant moment: Indian Point will now close by 2021!
As an ardent supporter of our campaign to close this aging, dangerous power plant, you are the reason that Riverkeeper was able to keep up this fight over decades – and win! Thank you, Friend!
It has been a long road, decades in the making and through it all, you have been one of Riverkeeper’s most loyal friends in our fight to close down Indian Point, so I am thrilled to share some details on this groundbreaking news:
1) The plant is closing early. This agreement cuts 14 years off the closing date requested by Entergy. The plant is now set to close in four years: Reactor 2 by April 30, 2020 and Reactor 3 by April 30, 2021. These dates are very likely sooner than what we could have achieved through litigation, which could have dragged on much longer, with an unsecure outcome.
2) The region will be safer. Not only will Indian point close on a hugely accelerated timetable, Entergy will also move a set yearly number of spent fuel rods from their dangerous storage pools to dry storage tasks on site – a much safer solution for this radioactive material. In addition, Entergy and New York State will increase the frequency of inspections of baffle bolts and other problematic structures until the plant’s closure.
3) The region will go green. With the closure of the plant, there will be an increase in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Closing the plant will be carbon neutral or have no appreciable impact on carbon loading. There are new, clean sources of energy set to replace the energy generated by the plant – which will also provide new, well-paying jobs in the region.
4) The river can begin to recover. Closing Indian Point will end the destruction of one billion river creatures each year. In addition, Entergy will set up a $15 million environment and community fund to be used for remediation and restoration projects on the Hudson, to compensate for damage to the river during the four-year period of continued operations. Environmental funding will prioritize dam removal, wetlands protection, control of invasive species and habitat surveys.
5) We will be overseeing the closure. In signing this agreement, Riverkeeper retains the right to monitor and strictly enforce Entergy’s compliance with its obligations under the closure agreement; challenge and take enforcement action against any future violations Entergy may commit at Indian Point; and challenge any extension of the 2020 and 2021 closure deadlines.
Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Over the next four years, Riverkeeper is going to keep a close eye on Entergy to make sure the plant closes responsibly, and forever. It is this joining of hands with friends and neighbors like you, in communities all along the Hudson River that made this big win possible.
with much gratitude,
Paul Gallay
and the Riverkeeper team”
To read the complete Riverkeeper letter, click the link below: