Monday March 20, 2017 – Screening of Documentary Film “Indian Point”
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Mar 13, 2017 •
2:46 am No Comments

When: Monday 3/20/17screening starts at 6:30 pm. Doors Open at 6:00 pm.
Where: Rutgers Presbyterian Church at 236 West 73rd Street west of Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City
Admission is free. We would appreciate any donation amount at the door, which will go to the Rutgers Presbyterian Church for their good works and their generous support of our movement.
Please join us in screening of “Indian Point”, a documentary film that explores nuclear power in the Age of Fukushima. The film provides a rare glimpse inside the aging nuclear power plant known as Indian Point. This film, directed by Ivy Meeropol, features unprecedented footage of the Indian Point nuclear power plant station which was designed in the 1950s and sits in Buchanan, New York, just 35 miles up the Hudson River from Times Square. Indian Point sits on top of two intersecting earthquake faults. With 20 million people living within its 50-mile radius, it has been called the most dangerously sited nuclear power plant in the U.S. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
The Indian Point nuclear power plant is operated by a company called Entergy, and its license to operate after 40 years was up for renewal shortly after the Fukushima event. Both reactors at Indian Point are still operating today even though permit for unit 2 reactor expired in 2013 and for unit 3 reactor expired in 2015.
This film interviewed a nuclear engineer who’s been working at Indian Point for almost 40 years. It also profiled local activists, journalists and residents who have been working just as long on closing down Indian Point, while looking at the bigger picture via the story of Gregory Jaczko, the onetime head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission who, according to this movie, was forced out of his position by a trumped up scandal after his post-Fukushima recommendations for safety ruffled the nuclear energy industry.
The Daily Beast describes Indian Point as “a cautionary tale about a technology once seen as an abundant and non-polluting energy source, but with downsides that could make oil spills and electrical brownouts seem as minor as a fender bender.”
Following the 94-minute film, Marilyn Elie, who was featured prominently in the documentary film, will lead a Q&A session. Marilyn, a local environmental activist who lives near Indian Point, has spent decades organizing to close down Indian Point. She is deeply immersed and very knowledgeable with the issues. Marilyn will provide an update of a series of disasters which happened at Indian Point since the documentary film was made; in addition to the construction by Spectra of a 42-inch high-pressure potentially explosive AIM pipeline near the reactors and the spent fuel pool. She will explain why New York City does not need the electricity generated by Indian Point. Marilyn will also discuss the announcement in January, 2017 by Governor Andrew Cuomo of reaching an agreement with Entergy to close Indian Point by 2021. A lot can happen between now and 2021. We all know that change is not going to happen without constant citizen vigilance and activism.
Here is a trailer for the film.
See you at the movies on Monday March 20, 2017.
Please note that Rutgers Presbyterian Church which donated this venue for our screening has standard communications equipment found in most offices, including Wi-Fi that cannot be disconnected for the purposes of our event.
Thank you for all that you do.
The United for Action Team