“Schumer: Coast Guard cuts could impact Indian Point security” by Thomas C. Zambito
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Mar 18, 2017 •
3:46 am No Comments
“Sen. Charles Schumer is opposed to a Trump Administration plan to reduce the U.S. Coast Guard’s budget
Siphoning money from the Coast Guard’s budget to build a wall on the nation’s southern border would hinder efforts to protect the Indian Point nuclear power plant from attack, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) warned Wednesday.
“The Coast Guard plays a vital role protecting Indian Point against potential terror attack so any cuts – especially the large and unwarranted ones now being proposed by this administration – undermine our safety and should be rejected,” Schumer said.
Schumer has come out against a Trump Administration plan to trim the U.S. Coast Guard’s budget by 14 percent to help finance the construction of a wall on the nation’s border with Mexico.
“We know from experience from recent attacks that Homeland Security needs more support to keep us safe, not less, especially when the plan is to divert money to make the American taxpayer build a border wall that is absurdly expensive and that the experts tell us will do nothing to keep us safe from would be terrorists,” Schumer charged.
The Coast Guard has not said where cuts would be made to its budget.
The Coast Guard has responsibility for maritime security along the Hudson River. After the 9/11 attacks, a Coast Guard cutter was assigned round-the-clock to prevent vessels from coming within 500 yards of Indian Point, which is located on the banks of the Hudson in the Westchester County village of Buchanan.”
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