“No gas-fired power plant at Indian Point” by Paul Gallay
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Mar 22, 2017 •
2:09 pm No Comments

“Despite suggestions to the contrary, a new natural gas-fired power plant in the shadow of the Indian Point nuclear power plant is neither viable nor necessary. It’s an idea that must be rejected.
Riverkeeper had long advocated for the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. As part of these efforts, Riverkeeper has done extensive research on energy replacement energy options, and this research shows that Indian Point’s power can and must be replaced with a portfolio of energy efficiency and clean energy resources: renewable resources such as wind, hydroelectric and solar.
There is no need for “Indian Point 2.0” — the proposal to put natural gas power on or near the current Indian Point site. It would add untold, unnecessary risk to the already extremely dangerous mix of a high-volume natural gas pipeline and 2,000 tons of highly-radioactive nuclear waste by the banks of the Hudson River and within 50 miles of 19 million people.
New York can rely on energy efficiency and renewable energy to replace Indian Point’s power. All we have to do is take advantage of a broad range of tools and technologies already available to us, right now.
The argument that we need more natural gas to close Indian Point is contrary to the evidence and would set us back, not move us forward, on the road to safe, sustainable energy for New York.”
To view the complete editorial, click the link below: