“BUCHANAN – The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board panel of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission handling the Indian Point nuclear power plant license renewal hearing has dismissed the three remaining contentions and terminated its proceeding.
Back in 2007, Entergy applied for a 20-year extension to operate its two Indian Point facilities. Shortly after the application was filed, the safety and licensing board began conducting hearings. All but three contentions that were filed had been addressed and now the board has dismissed those last ones, said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan.
“They have ruled that that is satisfactory. In fact, these three remaining contentions have been satisfactorily addressed through 2021 when the plant would shut down and that the hearing can therefore be brought to a conclusion,” Sheean said.
The NRC staff is wrapping up loose ends including issuing an update to the environmental review of the plant operating through 2021, and some safety issues.”
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