
Monthly archive March, 2017
Joint Legislative Public Hearing: Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown

Joint Legislative Public Hearing: Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown 28 Feb 2017 Senate Standing Committee on Energy and Telecommunications Chair: Senator Joseph A. Griffo Public Hearing: Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown Place: Roosevelt Hearing Room C, Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor, Albany, New York Time: 10:00 A.M. Contact: Emma Maceko (518) 455-2908 (Senate); Media Contact: Rocco LaDuca...
"No gas-fired power plant at Indian Point" by Paul Gallay

“No gas-fired power plant at Indian Point” by Paul Gallay

“Despite suggestions to the contrary, a new natural gas-fired power plant in the shadow of the Indian Point nuclear power plant is neither viable nor necessary. It’s an idea that must be rejected. Riverkeeper had long advocated for the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. As part of these efforts, Riverkeeper has done...
Fukushima Remembered: Photos from 3/11/17

Fukushima Remembered: Photos from 3/11/17


“Schumer: Coast Guard cuts could impact Indian Point security” by Thomas C. Zambito

“Sen. Charles Schumer is opposed to a Trump Administration plan to reduce the U.S. Coast Guard’s budget Siphoning money from the Coast Guard’s budget to build a wall on the nation’s southern border would hinder efforts to protect the Indian Point nuclear power plant from attack, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) warned Wednesday. “The Coast Guard plays...

Letters: Indian Point Energy from The Highlands Current

“Entergy’s willingness to close Indian Point is based primarily on internal business decisions rather than, as the company would like us to believe, an oppressive regulatory environment. According to Entergy’s most recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a decreasing number of companies supply the key parts required to repair and maintain the...
"The Age of Nuclear Waste: From Fukushima to Indian Point" by Gordon Edwards

“The Age of Nuclear Waste: From Fukushima to Indian Point” by Gordon Edwards

To read the complete slide show presentation that Gordon Edwards presented during the Fukushima Rememberances in 2017, click the link below: EDWARDS_NYC_2017 To visit Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility/Regroupement pour la surveillance du nucléaire, click the link below: — Canada is experiencing decommissioning woes just like the United States and Indian Point in particular. Although the reactors...
Proponents of Indian Point Use Same Old Tired Arguments

Proponents of Indian Point Use Same Old Tired Arguments

“Wake up and smell the coffee guys. Take a look at what is happening in the electricity markets. Entergy is out of here because demand is shrinking and they can’t make money when there is an energy surplus. Which is what we have right now. Generation to replace Indian Point is already in place. Ask...
"Indian Point: Unit 3 shut down for maintenance, refueling" by Matt Coyne and Thomas C. Zambito

“Indian Point: Unit 3 shut down for maintenance, refueling” by Matt Coyne and Thomas C. Zambito

“The maintenance and refueling will cost $100 million One of the two power-generating units at Indian Point has been shut down for a $100 million maintenance project, parent company Entergy said Monday morning. Entergy said the nuclear power plant’s Unit 3 will undergo refueling and maintenance after being in operation for 453 continuous days, remaining online...
March 29: The Future of Nuclear Energy

March 29: The Future of Nuclear Energy

The Future of Nuclear Energy Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:30 am – 11:00 am International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118th St., New York, NY 10027 1501 Contact: Center on Global Energy Policy Press Contact: Jamie Shellenberger-Bessmann Perhaps no source of energy sparks as much debate as nuclear power. Heralded in the 1950s and 1960s as...
"Should NY lawmakers block nuclear subsidies? Debate rages at Albany hearing" by Tim Knauss

“Should NY lawmakers block nuclear subsidies? Debate rages at Albany hearing” by Tim Knauss

“Critics of New York’s impending $462-million-year subsidy for Upstate nuclear plants today urged state legislators to block the subsidies and to take a more active role in setting energy policy. New York’s energy strategy has traditionally been set by regulators at the Public Service Commission. But the high cost of the nuclear subsidies – as...

Stop the Cuomo Tax

[youtube] Governor Cuomo is pushing a scheme that would force New Yorkers to pay $7.6 billion to keep two aging nuclear plants open. We are working with groups across the state to stop this rip-off. Video courtesy of Food & Water Watch.
"Nuclear power subsidy splits New York environmentalists" by Marie J. French

“Nuclear power subsidy splits New York environmentalists” by Marie J. French

“ALBANY — Some major environmental groups are steering clear of a campaign against the state’s $8 billion subsidy for aging nuclear power plants upstate. The decision reflects a divide among environmentalists about the role existing nuclear plants should play in a push to slash the use of fossil fuels and boost renewable energy investment. More...