The letter writer makes the point that CPV was approved long before Entergy decided to close Indian Point. Therfore, closing a nuclear reactor is not a justification for opening a methane plant, even if some politicians try to use it as an excuse.

The writer goes on to clearly state how Indian Point can be replaced with renewables. She also tackles the issue of jobs.

We need more letters to the editor like this in the small local newspapers around the county. Can you write one? You certainly have a good model to follow…

In Solidarity,
Marilyn Elie

Last Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. on Maple Street in Goshen I noticed a strong diesel engine odor. To the west, there was a heavy plume of smoke rising in the distance. I thought there must be a house fire, but then realized the plume was rising from exactly over the CPV plant. The fumes were chokingly strong outdoors. I felt bad letting my dog out into that toxic air. The smell lasted into the morning.

This happened the very first time they fired up the power plant. When and if the power plant burns fracked gas, the toxic fumes will be odorless but they will still be there. This power plant is in the middle of residential areas and should never have been approved. The CPV power plant was approved before Indian Point’s closing was announced. Now the closing of Indian Point is being used to retroactively justify building CPV.

In fact, New York does not need CPV. Renewables, conservation and other sources will be more than enough to replace Indian Point’s power. But jobs! Well, license plates in the parking lot show that many of the construction workers are from out of state. The few local jobs the power plant might provide are not worth decades of damage to our children from breathing its emissions.

The CPV power plant is toxic, unwanted and unneeded. In the 1980s, the Shoreham nuclear plant was fully constructed but never allowed to operate. That is what should happen to CPV.

Alicia Weissman
