Note from Gary Shaw
At the Cortlandt Community Unity meeting last night, Mike Twomey of Entergy was emphatic that there will be no sale or change to the property for a fairly long time (at least a couple of years) before they can even form a plan. They have no idea how much area will be required for materials...
Panel recommends Indian Point consider opening for redevelopment
A state task force created to address the impact of the planned closing of Indian Point Energy Center is asking the nuclear plant’s owner and operator to consider opening up parts of the site to development. The recommendation was one of several in a 280-page annual report the Indian Point Closure Task Force released May 9....
Journal News and lohud win NYC press awards for Indian Point, Metro-North series
The Journal News and received top honors from New York City-based press associations for reporting on the Indian Point nuclear power plant and Metro-North commuter rail at events held over the past week. The Society of The Silurians awarded investigative reporter Thomas C. Zambito a medallion, its top prize, in the environmental reporting category...
Indian Point Presentations
Manna Jo Greene presentation link: indian_point_manna_jo_greene Gary Shaw presentation link: Gary’s slides
Indian Point task force study urges Entergy to turn over property
A state task force wants the owner of the Indian Point nuclear power plant to sell off parts of its 240-acre property to a developer soon after the 2021 shutdown so neighboring communities can begin recouping lost tax revenue. The recommendation is one of several included in the annual report of the Indian Point Closure...
Storage and Transport of Irradiated Fuel Rods
Storing and transporting irradiated fuel rods has been the subject of much discussion and misinformation. Part of the problem is the vocabulary that is commonly used when discussing this thorny problem. This is an attempt to clarify the current process at Indian Point as high-level radioactive waste is moved from fuel pools to on-site storage....
Indian Point: Next Steps
The reactors at Indian Point are not closed yet and continue to present danger to the community. Perhaps more. The expert prediction is for more problems at the start and the end of a reactor’s life span. Repairs are expensive so is refueling how will Entergy, owners of the reactors respond. The question that comes...
The End of the Age of Nuclear Power: The Beginning of the Age of Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning
Next Steps Going Forward The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition has worked for the closing of the reactors at Indian Point since 9-11. A closing agreement, initiated by Entergy, was signed by New York State and Riverkeeper on January 9, 2017. Barring unforeseen circumstances, that adversely affect power supply reliability, the reactors are slated...
Analysis of Replacement Electricity for Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
NYC and Westchester form one service area, and uses a peak max of approximately 13,000 MW of electricity daily, depending on the time of year. Before deregulation, Con Ed owned IP#2 and NYPA (New York Power Authority) owned IP3. Following deregulation, both units were sold to Entergy during 2000-2001. Con Ed no longer produces electricity,...
Frequently Asked Questions About Indian Point’s Closing with Some Really Short Answers
Is it really closing? Is it certain that the license cannot get extended? The closing agreement calls for closure in 2020 for Unit 2 and 2021 for Unit 3. In case of an energy shortage or national emergency the plant may stay open an additional four years. Most importantly – Entergy, owner of the plant,...