In 2012, the NYS Energy Planning Board was tasked with evaluating the closure of Indian Point. It identified a potential 1,000 MW issue in mid-2016, and determined that the state has more than enough ways to manage the grid to prevent reliability problems. Obviously their plan worked as no shortage has emerged. This makes it plain that there are mechanisms in place that would adequately replace any deficiency related to the closure of the IP units should a problem arise. The plan has gone forward and New York now has a surplus of power and maintains a robust planning and regulatory process.  Our free market in electricity will automatically implement either market-based options or regulatory backstop solutions in the event a deficiency is identified. The generation and transmission projects that were identified in 2012 are now operational and providing adequate replacement power.

A more complete list of what has come on line since 2012

Since the 2012 projections and the Energy Highway Blueprint recommendations, over 5,000 megawatts of electricity have been added to the system through transmission upgrades, efficiency and demand reduction from distributed generation. This provides over twice the electricity needed to replace the 2,000 megawatts generated at Indian Point. Some of this is unfortunately gas generation, as the list below indicates. The carbon footprint for these plants is already figured into the NYS Clean Energy Plan.

  • Danskammer (Newburgh) power plant 550 MW
  • Bowline (Haverstraw) power plant 1,100 MW
  • Hudson Transmission Project (NJ to NYC) cable 660 MW
  • PSE&G (NJ to Ramapo) power line 380 MW
  • Con Ed (Bergen County interconnection) power line 315 MW
  • TOTS (Westchester & Rockland Counties) power lines 600 MW
  • NYSERDA (Efficiency Projects) 200 MW
  • AC Hudson Valley Transmission Upgrade 1,000+ MW
  • New York Power Authority St. Lawrence Seaway 440 MW

TOTAL   5,245 MW


More projects came on line in 2017 and demand has not been as high as anticipated. We have a surplus of electricity to replace Indian Point, with more megawatts to come. So, words to the wise — check your “facts” when they come from a source that stands to profit by them. Do the math and breathe easy. We have a surplus of electricity. Indian Point has already been replaced.

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition   1-888-474-8848