Senator Murphy,
Please get this following paragraph and attached facts into your head and let the truth come out of your mouth when you speak about our energy instead of the repeated misinformation you spew as in
Your constituent Gary Shaw explains – According to Reuters, NYPA, the only distributor of electricity to municipal users, got out of its contract with Indian Pint in 2013 when the IP2 license expired and they have not used IP power since then. ConEd, the distributor to private residence and business users had a contract for only 500MW at that time and they have also ended their contract, except if there is an unexpected shortage. No one is shutting IP except Entergy, who is getting out of the merchant nuclear business because it is not profitable any more. They have already shut down Vermont Yankee, they have sold FitzPatrick to Exelon, they are closing Pilgrim and Palisades. There is no shortage of energy and usage is declining because of efficiency and the proliferation of solar. There is a lot of gas, but that is already online. And the Algonquin pipeline is intended to export their gas to Europe or Asia. Nuclear is NOT a bridge energy that is acceptable.
And for your knowledge and understanding, the attached 2016 Up Date Sources of Replacement Power for Indian Point. Memorize them both.
Shut down Algonquin gas at Indian Point nuclear plant and take that insane risk off the table. Prevent CPV power plant from being operational. Stop Cricklet Valley from moving forward. Stand up to prevent your district being a sacrifice zone.
And if you want a future for your children’s children and all of us, untangle the wrecked Cuomo PSC policy making community solar development so complicated that $800 million in investments are drying up and developers are leaving NY.
Suzannah Glidden
North Salem, NY