Questions about closing Indian Point and what NYS plans to do
I have found that generally speaking the business point of view is about a decade behind research and what experts in the field are saying. Neither do they normally take into consideration high level radioactive waste disposal, the cost to water bodies on which the reactors are located, decommissioning at the end of the life...
Why a Citizens Oversight Board?
Our country does not have a well-defined policy in regard to where and how to store high level radioactive waste. Bury it in a big hole someday, somewhere is about as far as we have gotten in determining what to do with plutonium, cesium, and a multitude of radioactive daughter products that are part of...
Indian Point closure will put power supply in flux
The basic premise of this article is just plain wrong. If you ignore the headline and the first graph you will find the voices of different people from Riverkeeper and Pace laying out the facts and proving that Indian Point has been replaced. You will also find AREA represented without a notation that they are...
Note from Marilyn Elie
Thank you for your enquiry into how to document the lack of profits for Entergy from Indian Point. Entergy has been quite clear in their closing statements to the stock market, their shareholders and in public remarks that they are leaving because they cannot make enough profit in this market. They are closing out all...