The author of the letter is a co-founder of Safe Energy Rights Group.

Right here, right now, the climate crisis is jeopardizing our economy, our health, and our security.

Climate change is costing the United States $240 billion from extreme weather and fossil fuel pollution. Meanwhile, renewable energy is growing by leaps and bounds! Right here in Peekskill businesses have flooded in now regular torrential rains, freak spring snows storms have become the norm causing power outages and forcing businesses to close, we are feeling this economic impact right here, right now.

Each year about 6.5 million deaths worldwide are linked to air pollution. Our use of fossil fuels is literally killing us. Peekskill shoulders an unfair burden of polluting energy infrastructure like Wheelabrator, Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant, and the “Algonquin” Pipeline. That burden is being felt in high rates of asthma, cardiovascular disease, ER admissions, and low birth weights right here, right now.

Nearly a billion people live in areas at high risk from global warming and about 40 percent of them are in countries already struggling with conflict. Conflict will spread and threaten peace and our national security. Refugees are already being driven to our shores by climate change induced conflict, immigrants unable to find work due to climate change at home are seeking work right here, right now.

Friday 9/20 leaders of all ages, from all walks of life, from all over the world, will gather together and demand action. Right here, right now!

Led by young people- labor leaders, business owners, health professionals, scientists, artists, parents, seniors, elected officials, and many others will gather outside Senator Chuck Schumer’s office to demand that he take our message to Congress and act to declare a National Climate Emergency.

Such a declaration would shake our nation out of the status quo and make clear that we need a massive mobilization to protect our health, our economy, and our way of life.

If any nation in the world can face the climate crisis, head on, and muster the sheer force of will to tackle it, it’s the United States of America.

So right here, right now, we stand in solidarity with climate strikes across the nation, and around the globe, with one voice for our shared future: We are in a climate emergency! Act like it!

Join us on Friday 9/20 for the Global Climate Strike. There will be songs, poems, speeches, and a chance to share your demand for climate action with Senator Schumer.

— Courtney Williams
Co-founder Safe Energy Rights Group

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