Sierra club has an excellent toolkit at the Q below. They are suggesting things that could lead to a real gra inss roots movement. Included are “drop by visits” if you can’t get an official visit, taking a small gift of flowers or a plant to symbolize the Green New Deal, taking a selfie of your visit, posting it to your social media and most important – reporting back to the group or individuals you are working with. Also included are fact sheets and letters ready to give to the electeod official you are visiting.
The campaign they have mapped out for talking with elected officials would work for any issue – Citizens Oversight Board for example.
Sierra Club has an ant nuclear group and as was said at the webinar cannot imagine going forward with a green economy that includes nucear power.
Check out the toolkit at
To see the webinar that introduces the campaign for the GND scroll down to the bottom of the Sierra Club’s home page,
In Solidarity, Marilyn Elie