• Enbridge’s inability to shut off the gas on the Algonquin pipelines at Indian Point within three minutes from notification of a rupture as confirmed during the NYS Public Service Commission audit.
• Entergy’s faulty risk analysis.
• Lack of oversight for the security of the new AIM 42-inch high-pressure gas pipeline and the older Algonquin 26-inch and 30-inch pipelines underneath Indian Point by:
o the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),
o Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC),
o Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),
o Homeland Security,
o or any federal agency.
• Holtec’s Post Shutdown Decommissioning Report, P.S.D.A.R. contained NO mention of the:
o Pipelines, or
o Risks of pipeline rupture during decommissioning.
• No reference to risk assessment ordered by Governor Cuomo on June 22, 2018.
• No coordination by NRC and FERC of the impact of Entergy’s decommissioning plan on the Algonquin pipelines and the AIM pipeline.
• No requirement by FERC of temporarily cessation of gas operations during the decommissioning.
• No known public official or agency with jurisdiction and authority to address safety concerns.