I don’t see any one celebrating the closure of Indian Point as the Mayor has suggested. It is a traumatic situation for the 2, 241 people of Buchanan. The town has reaped the benefits of hosting Indian Point for the last 46 years and enjoyed the low tax rates that has come with it. A 25% tax hike is huge and will almost bring the town up to normal Westchester rates. It is a difficult adjustment. As predicted by the NYISO closing Unit 2 had no effect on service. That is because the market replaced Indian Point years ago. That is why they are closing.
The Mayor is incorrect in her assessment of renewables. They are here now and closing Indian Point fits right in with NY States aggressive drive to clean electricity. The latest study released by Physicians, Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy makes it crystal clear that fossil fuels can stay in the ground. 20 million people are safer with the closing of this outdated generator. Fossil fuels belong in the ground and so does uranium.

The Indian Point nuclear power plant will retire its two reactors in 2020 and 2021, taking 2,000 MW of generating capacity offline in downstate New York. To mitigate climate impacts, New York must ensure that renewable energy and energy efficiency, rather than natural gas generation, replace the imminent loss of carbon-free generation. This objective aligns with state goals: the build out of renewables, storage, and energy efficiency required to meet New York’s 2025 clean energy targets will far exceed the loss in generation and capacity from Indian Point.