This seven minute video is a summary of the issues and items that the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition has been dealing with in our monthly Unity meetings at Stony Point. One correction: Jessica Azulay is with AGREE, not Food and Water Watch.
The request for video is always to make it shorter. This was as short as I could make this one. I invite any and all to give this format a try and send me your video. It can go on the website to highlight your particular concerns. The last video had a 100 views which is a lot for our circle. Thank you to all who took the time to follow the link. It is appreciated.
Marilyn Elie
Other important information that did not make it into the video follows.
These articles are handy to refer to when in conversation with someone who thinks Indian Point is still needed. File them away so that you can locate them when the need arises.
Black swan article on nuclear power was based on false premises. By Roger Witherspoon
This letter to the editor succinctly covers eight major points about the closing of Indian Point, including debunking the 25% myth.
New York Begins to Move Beyond Indian Point. By Kit Kennedy.
Excellent must read article that details new legislation about how New York will meet its aggressive climate goals without Indian Point and more. Dirty peakers in NYC are being phased out so we will all have cleaner air.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission announces it will proceed with licensing of proposed high-level radioactive waste dump in New Mexico despite illegal license term. Press release from Beyond Nuclear.
It is against the law to have interim storage before a national depository is established. Despite this law the NRC approved Holtec’s proposal for high level radioactive waste storage in New Mexico on the grounds that Holtec could be depended on not to implement the unlawful provision if the license were granted. Astonishing but sadly not unexpected.
See how covid-19 is reshaping the electric grid of New York City. By Will Englund of the Washington Post.
The article highlights the changes in electricity usage in NYC through the eyes of Jon Sawyer, a manager with NYISO. Sawyer and others who are isolated in a special facility to keep operators virus free and make sure our grid keeps operating. A behind the scenes look at the people in the system. Well written and an easy read.
U.S. delays oil pipeline approvals after environmental ruling. By Matthew Brown, Associated Press.
Sure to be appealed, this ruling found that the “blanket permit” that the Army Corp used to grant a permit to the Keystone pipeline was illegal because it did not take into consideration harm to imperiled wild life species. Since the judge did not limit his ruling to Keystone it is being interpreted to apply to any projects granted a Nationwide Permit 12 across the country. Stay tuned for future developments.
Pysicians, Scientists, Engineers: Bringing Science to Energy Policy. By Annelise Dillion, PSE Healthy Energy.
Estimates from this report suggest that “renewables, storage, and energy efficiency growth in line with New York’s targets could provide sufficient generation and local capacity following Indian Point’s closure, avoiding the need for a sustained increase in gas generation.”
NYISO Tracker: Power prices plunge on pandemic-weakened loads, gas prices. By Mark Watson for Electric Power/ Natural Gas.
This is a business document with an abundance of charts and graphs for those who want all of the details. Bottom line: reactors need $46.00 per MW hour and the price now is $14.00 per MW hour.