
Monthly archive November, 2020
OSU center shows off NuScale work

OSU center shows off NuScale work

Steve Reese, director of the Radiation Center at Oregon State University, shows off the new NuScale Energy Exploration Center, which simulates the action of NuScale small modular reactors. / Andy Cripe Mid-Valley Media It felt like you were entering a Bond or Bourne film. The door was unlocked and whap! — you were face to face...
US NRC approves Indian Point nuclear plant license transfer to Holtec

US NRC approves Indian Point nuclear plant license transfer to Holtec

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission late Nov. 23 said it approved transferring the Indian Point nuclear power plant licenses from Entergy to Holtec for decommissioning once the 1,080-MW Indian Point-3 permanently shuts down by April 30, 2021. The NRC said its order approving the license transfer is effective immediately, but the license transfer will not...
NRC signs off on Indian Point nuclear plant sale

NRC signs off on Indian Point nuclear plant sale

BUCHANAN, N.Y. (AP) – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the sale of the Indian Point nuclear power plant to a dismantling company without granting requests by lawmakers and environmental groups for public hearings.  The NRC announced Monday that it has signed off on its staff’s recommendation last week to approve Entergy Corp.’s sale of the plant in Westchester County to...
Riverkeeper’s Statement on NRC’s ProHEALTH of Indian Point’s Sale to Holtec International

Riverkeeper’s Statement on NRC’s ProHEALTH of Indian Point’s Sale to Holtec International

OSSINING, NY —  November 18, 2020 —Riverkeeper is extremely troubled that the NRC has announced its imminent approval for the sale of the Indian Point Energy Center to Holtec International without addressing its contention, and the numerous serious concerns raised by local, state, and other interested groups. This approval puts the public at risk by transferring...

A panel of experts discuss Small Modular Reactors or Small Mythical Reactors as Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear has labeled them.

=================== On Nov 6, 2020, at 12:47 PM, Paul Gunter <> wrote: Here is a link to the Beyond Nuclear Small Modular Reactor webinar and our panelists’ powerpoints. Paul =================== 1. Oral interventions by Gordon Edwards during the webinar: “Beyond Nuclear” webinar, October 21, 2020 Oral comments by Gordon Edwards []  One of...

(Webinar) Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Not Clean, Not Small, Not Green, Not Affordable

On March 13, 2020, a presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards scheduled for a public meeting in Fredericton, New Brunswick, was cancelled because of Covid-19. The title of the talk was to be:“Small Modular Nuclear Reactors – Not Clean, Not Small, Not Green, Not Affordable” Instead, Dr. Edwards gave a webinar by zoom. Here is a...

Gordon Edwards, scientist, on high level nuclear waste


Saugeen Ojibway Nation votes no on deep geologic repository at Bruce Power site

The Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) has voted against Ontario Power Generation’s Deep Geological Disposal (DGR) project, planned to house all of Ontario’s Low and Intermediate Level Waste (LILW) at a site within a mile of the northwestern shore of Lake Huron. However, the OPG project for LILW has no direct bearing on the other DGR project for High-Level Waste...

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, a case of wishful thinking at best … many months of behind-the-scenes meetings throughout New Brunswick with utility company executives, provincial politicians, federal government representatives, township mayors and First Nations, two nuclear entrepreneurial companies laid out a dazzling dream promising thousands of jobs – nay, tens of thousands! – in New Brunswick, achieved by mass-producing and selling components for hitherto untested...
Tesla big battery defies skeptics, sends industry bananas over performance

Tesla big battery defies skeptics, sends industry bananas over performance

Here is one story among many having to do with an exceptionally good storage system for electricity. I circulated this story more than a year ago. Arnie Gundersen, a nuclear engineer who has become a leading nuclear critic, has remarked that he finds it odd that engineers in the nuclear industry proudly assert they can...

Radioactive Water Disposal at Fukushima

A report from our friend Gordon Edwards. The industry is petitioning the government for permission to dump a vast amount of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. “Water, Water, Everywhere And Not a Drop to Drink!” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Marine Here is a link to a TV News interview I gave...

Research Background on Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Issues in Manitoba

Friends: This document was written in response to questions from First Nations people in Manitoba. It deals with the proposed “quick and dirty” decommissioning of a research reactor by “entombment”. Nevertheless, there is much of importance to the entire spectrum of radioactive waste issues. I hope it proves to be of value to others...