Correction: The Passamaquody and the Wolastoq are neighbours with independent leadership
Correction: I have corrected my mistaken description of the relationship between the Passamaquoddy First Nation (Peskotomuhkati First Nation) and the Wolastoq Grand Council (“people of the beautiful river” – a river called the St John River by most non-Indigenous people of New Brunswick, but originally known as “Wolastoq”). The error in my previous email was...
Wolastoq Grand Council Resolution on Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Waste (Full Text)
Friends across the lands, The Wolastoq Grand Council signed a Resolution on nuclear energy and nuclear waste on traditional Wolastoq territory. They asked for it to be published, and are asking all of us to spread it far and wide. Susan O’Donnell, Fredericton NB. The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition stands in solidarity with the...
Wolastoq Grand Council Resolution on Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Waste
Friends across the lands, The Wolastoq Grand Council signed a Resolution on nuclear energy and nuclear waste on traditional Wolastoq territory. They asked for it to be published, and are asking all of us to spread it far and wide. Susan O’Donnell, Fredericton NB. The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition stands in solidarity with the...
Hi All, Attached is Letter to the Editor of “The Northern Westchester Examiner” submitted today. Was limited to 250 words by the paper. Please share as needed. Thanks,Corie DANGER of PIPELINES CLOSE to INDIAN POINT Letter to the Editor of “The Northern Westchester Examiner” Indian Point is the only nuclear plant in the USA located...
Fukushima resident still can’t return home 10 years after nuclear disaster
This article is a reminder that this is the 10th Anniversary of the beginning of the ongoing Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima. It serves as a Fukushima Update. Therefore: Saturday, March 13, 2021, 10 AM – Jun San and Peace Walkers will come to the gates of Indian Point for a Remembrance Ceremony. All are welcome...
“Lap dogs for the industry” Senator Markey Statement on U.S. Nuclear Safety Agenda on 10th Anniversary of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Who remembers the NRC meeting where we presented them with stuffed toy dogs because they were lap dogs for the industry instead of guard dogs for the people? It seems that Senator Markey agrees with us. This time around Senator Markey is the head of the subcommittee that supervises the NRC. Marilyn FOR RELEASE Contact: 202-224-2742...
Rebuttal to: “The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power,”
Greetings to all, Here is some good information to use the next time you hear the lie that “environmentalists” are now considering nuclear power. Dave sent updates in attachments which cannot post to our lists. They will be posted on the website shortly. Look at the blog entries to find them. As he says...